Run away

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The bus was empty. The drive must of stepped out or something. I knew the concert was going to be over soon so I had to find a hiding place and quick. I saw a cabinet it wasn't big but I could fit. I ducked in just in time as I heard the members boarding the bus. First was Andy Hurley I could tell by his voice. He was singing Alone Together. It must have been the last song they played. Ironic how that song fits my situation right now. Oh God I hope he doesn't look in this cabinet. What's in this cabinet anyways? I looked around quietly and noticed all the cleaning supplies. Okay so I'm safe, they'll never look in here. I heard the foot steps of Andy move to the back of the bus then more followed. Patrick, Pete, then Joe was last. He took the longest probably more than an hour to get back on the bus. and it sucked because that cabinet was getting uncomfortable and I was sweating like a mother fucker. Soon the bus started moving and I was home free. I knew I had to stay in that cabinet for a while though and I did. It was about 3 a.m. when I pushed myself out. Everyone was alseep.

"I just need food, water, and pee," I whispered to myself.

I got food water then went pee. as I made my way back to my little cabinet I saw Patrick sleeping on the couch.

"Awe, poor rock star," I said quietly.

I felt bad so I took the blanket off the back and pulled it over him. Of course with my luck that was a huge mistake because apparently Patrick wasn't fully asleep and immediately woke up... Screaming.

"Ah what the fuck?!? How did you get here!!" He freaked.

"Shit, I'm dead," were all the words I could say.

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