Found Out

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Next thing I knew all of the guys woke up, all the lights were on and I was probably gonna die. They all sat me down on the couch and crowded around me. Looking both tired and aggravated.

"Okay kid this is how its going to work I'm fucking tired and I don't like to be woken up. So you're going to call your parents and they're going to pick you up at the next rest stop and we won't press charges," Joe kneeled down explaining to me.

I had to remain calm and not freak out and hopefully convince them to let me stay.

"First thing I'm not a kid I'm 21 almost 22 and second my parents don't give a shit about me so even if I was still legally a minor I'd rather rot in prison then go back to my so called home," I explained to them.

"Bull shit. I call bull shit," Patrick said.

"Now hold on we can't completely think she's lying. Lets hear her side of the story before we decide anything," Pete said trying to reason with them.

Everyone nodded and agreed to let me tell my story.

"My name is Emma Jameson, I'm 21 but I'll be 22 in a month. I'm from San Diego I didn't have a good life growing up. My parents hated my I was both verbally and physically abused. Really the only thing that kept me together was the thought that some day I'm going to leave and you guys. When I discovered your music it brought my level of hope up. I know it sounds cliché but your music really did save me. So it was when I saw you were playing in LA that I got the idea to runway so to speak. I thought maybe you could be my family and I'd finally be in a place where I was accepted but you don't want me here so I guess I have to leave."

Tears filled my eyes as I thought about all the pain I've faced. It's funny though I haven't cried in I don't even know how long but for some strange reason I felt comfortable to cry around them.

"Ah shit don't cry please," Joe sat on the couch beside me and hugged me tight, "I don't know if a hug will help because I probably smell really bad but I can't stand to see a girl cry."

Under my tears I managed to smile and laugh a little bit.

"Its okay I really needed a hug so thanks," I said.

"Well we can't let you go back to that hell so I guess you're going to have to stay here," Pete said with a smile.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and my face lit up.

"Really? I could stay?!?" I asked.

Pete nodded and I leaped up and attack hugged him almost knocking him to the floor.

"Thank you, thank you so much," I hugged him long and tight.

Even more tears started streaming down my face but there were happy tears. After a minute I finally let go.

"I'm sorry," I wiped my eyes again, "I usually don't cry this much."

I hugged the rest of them individualally and thanked everyone of them.

"Well now that's all settled can we please go back to bed?" Andy begged.

"Yes we can go back to bed," Pete said.

Everyone headed back to their bunk and went back to sleep. Patrick sat up and watched tv he wasn't tired.

"Um where can I sleep?" I asked.

"Ah oh um, you can sleep in my bunk. Its the one next to Joe's on the left and I'll sleep on the couch," Patrick said politely.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be forced to sleep on a couch," I frowned.

"Its fine I usually stay up till ungodly hours so I hardly sleep there," He explained.

"Okay thanks Patrick good night," I wave and went to sleep.

"Night Emma," I heard him say as I crawled into his bunk space.

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