The Evil Plot

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"What evil scheme are you developing Mr.Hurley?" I raised my eyebrow questioning his plot.

"Let me put it in Star Wars terms for you. Join the dark side padawan," he said with a smirk.

"What? I'm confused," I said.

"I'll explain everything later," Andy said gesturing to the door as the band was entering. 

I nodded and sat quietly as the guys entered.

Later that night as I was sleeping I heard a commotion coming from the kitchen. I sat up and looked over in that direction to find Joe grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He glanced over in my direction and I quickly put my head back down to make it seem I was sleeping. I heard foot steps approaching towards the couch and my heart started racing. I closed my eyes tightly when the steps got extremely close. Then I felt a hand on my head fallowed by gentle petting; the foot steps faded in the opposite direction. I slowly rose my head up and looked around confused. The feeling of tears roll down my cheeks came after and that unexplained emotion appeared in my heart once again. 

The next morning I kept quiet as I was trying to make of what happened last night. Maybe Joe wasn't mad anymore? I slight feeling of hope came into my mind, unforunatley that feeling was false. Because when Joe woke up he was still in a shitty mood. 

"Morning Joe," I said friendly.

He looked at me with an evil and angery look then searched the fridge for food.

Andy leaned over and whispered to me, "join the dark side." 

"Okay. okay," I said in surrender.

Andy nodded and went to the front of the bus where the driver was. He whispered something to the driver and he stopped at a rest stop. 

"Huh? wait whats going on?" I said in confusion.

Everyone on the bus ran out and locked the door behind them leaving Joe and me the only two in there. I opened the window and shouted in the screen.

"What the hell Andy?" I shouted.

"You guys need to talk things out you're not leaving until then," he said.

Join the dark side my ass, that evil little man locked me in. I sighed heavily I had no choice, we were locked in so all only thing we could do now is talk. I looked at Joe who wasn't very  happy with the idea either.

"Well were stuck in here, so now would be a good time to tell me why you're so pissed," I sat on the couch next to him.

He slid over creating a greater distance between us. Joe was silent for a while, he sat with his fist covering his mouth and looked as if he was thinking about something. I got tired of waiting for him to respond.

"Wow great conversation," I said sarcastically

I was starting to get the idea that he wanted to be alone so I got up from the couch. Then all of the sudden Joe grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. I was so shocked and confused, he hated me but at the same time he wanted me near. 

"I don't get it, Joe," I looked at him concerned, "what do you want from me?" 

He looked at me, "I don't know." 

"What do you mean you don't know? First you want to hang out and spend time then next you want nothing to do with me? MAKE UP YOUR GOD DAMN MIND!" I yelled.

"I can't I just I don't know," he said looking down. 

"Fine, you decide when you're ready," I got up from the couch and opened the window, "Andy you better let me the fuck out of here right now!"

"No way padawan, you didn't talk things out. don't lie," he said with a smirk.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL..." Joe held onto me and cut me off, "Let me go you dick I want to get out of here!" I said struggling to push away but he just held me tighter.

Joe hugged me tight and whispered in my ear, "please don't yell anymore. I'm sorry for being a dick, I don't want you to be angery."

"Joe," his words made me choke up and tear ran down my cheeks.

He let go and wipped the tears from my face. For the first time in days Joe smiled again and all was well. When I saw him smile I couldn't help but smile back, it made my heavy heart feel lighter.

"We okay now?" He raised his eyebrow.

I nodded, "yeah we're okay."

"Good let's get outta here," Joe said going towards the window.

"Wait lets give them a little bit of time," I said.

Joe smiled, "okay." 

He sat back down on the couch and patted the seat next to him. I sat beside him and looked up.

"There's something I have to ask you,"  I said nervously.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Last night I saw you were up, and you came over to me and rubbed my head. Why?" I asked.

"Yeah I figured you were up," he said.

"But why did you go over to the couch? I mean you were still mad at me," I explained.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "I can't explain my actions. I just do what I do because its natural. I know that's probably not the answer you hoped but I don't know what to tell you, Em." 

"No, no its okay. I understand, I'm the same way, I guess," I said .

"Yeah, well I'm glad were on the same page then," Joe smiled.

I smiled back and we stared awkwardly at each other for a few seconds.

"Ya know I usually don't have any trouble talking to people but with you I don't know. I can't talk to you," he said.

"Oh thanks," I frowned.

"No its not a bad thing. Its a complement actually, because I get this feeling like I forgot how to speak. But I don't want to speak I just want to see you smile if that makes sense?" Joe said.

"It makes perfect sense actually, because I have the same feeling," I blushed.

Once again we were quiet but it was different this time, it felt even more awkward because we both knew what we were feeling which made it harder to talk about anything.

"So should we let them back in?" Joe asked.

"Ah yeah I think so," I said.

Joe slid the window open and yelled to the screen, "you can open the door now Andy." 

"Are you still in a pissy mood?" He asked cautiously.

"No, just open the door," Joe chuckled.

"Okay," Andy opened the door and everyone walked inside.

Everyone was happy and we were all at peace.

"So what should we do now?" I asked.

"Well a little birdy told me that you were a good singer," Pete smirked.

Patrick lit up with a great idea on his mind, "jam session!"

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