The Strange New World Called Victoria's Secret

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Once I ventured I side the strange girly world filled with bras, panties and all things, pink. I looked around curiously. I have never been in this store before and quite frankly I didn't want to. I felt so awkward in there also panties were the last thing on my mind. Joe hasn't said a word to me. Did I do something to make him mad? The thought of him being furious at me I couldn't deal, it made my heart ache and my head pound. I wanted to cry and puke at the same time. This feeling, I hate it so much! I can't think about it now. I just need to calm down and deal with my emotional stuff later. I walked around the store looking for underwear that isn't just a piece of string. Finally I found somethings that were wearable In my opinion. I purchased and walked out of the store within an hour. I looked around none of the guys were in sight.

"Should I go look for them?" I asked myself.

I thought about it for a moment and started to walk through the mall. The thing was I had no clue where to look. I finally came across a department store. I didn't see anyone so far so I decided to go in. I wandered the store for a bit until I finally came across a firmiliar face. Patrick was walking through the dresses looking confused and embarrased. 

"Hey," I said.

"Oh hey. What are you doing over here?" Patrick asked.

"I'm done with all of my shopping. Do you need any help?" I questioned.

"Yeah I do. Pete put me in charge of fancy clothes. I guess cause I dress nice or something I dunno," Patrick said.

"Don't worry about that, I don't plan on going anywhere fancy," I chuckled.

"But what if you do?" He asked. 

"Then I'll show up in jeans and a t-shirt," I laughed.

Patrick started laughing too the employees in the store looked at us weird like we were on drugs or something. 

"Lets buy something useful," Patrick said.

"Like what?" I asked.

'I'll show you," Patrick said taking me to another part the store, "Hats!" 

We spent hours trying on hats and laughing. It was surprisingly fun hanging out with Patrick, I got lots of hats, as did he. When it was about 10:30 we headed back to me the other guys. Once we got back. Pete, Andy, and Joe were waiting. Joe didn't look happy...

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