Not a Dream

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I when I woke up the next morning I felt dissapointed thinking it was all a dream but once I fully woke up I realized yesterday actually happened. I peaked my head outside the bunk to see if anyone else was up. I searched the bus, from where I was sitting, seeing that everyone was still asleep. I stepped out of the bunk and silently shuffled my feet across the floor to the living area; where Patrick was still barely awake.

"Jeez man have you been up all this time?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he yawned "I told you I'm nocturnal." 

I checked the clock on the microwave in the kitchen it was 8 a.m. I shook my head he must be tired I won't let him sit on this couch anymore.

"Go to bed Pat," I said pointing in the direction where his bed is.

"But, okay fine," he groan shuffling to his bed and going to sleep.

I went to the refrigerator and grabbed an apple out of the fridge to eat. When i shut the frige door i heard the sound of the toilet flushing from the bathroom and Andy popped out behind the door. He jumped not realizing I was there.

"Oh yeah girl living with us, right," he said awkwardly.

Andy walled over to the big recliner,next to the couch, picked up the laptop on the seat, sat down, and opened it up. Not sure what to make of his response I shook my head, walked to the couch and sat there quietly. The only sounds on the bus was the motor, Andy's typing and Marcus, their body gaurd, snorning. I took a bite of the apple and stared at Andy, I was wondering what he was doing on there espically this early in the morning. I would ask him but honestly I was kind of intimidated by Andy, at first. It wasn't the complete body tattoos or the fact is facial expression always seemed so serious it was the facted he hardly talked so I didn't know what to say to him. So I stared at him as he typed looking llike an idiot. I think he felt my eyes on him because it didn't take long for him to look up. 

"Ah can I help you?" he asked.

I immediately looked down, "oh its nothing really." 

"I don't bite ya know its cool just tell me," he smiled.

"I was just wondering what you were doing on your laptop," I looked up, still slightly scared. 

"Oh it an online Star Wars game I play its kinda nerdy," he chuckled.

"Really? I don't think its nerdy," I smiled feeling more relaxed.

"What? D-do you like Star Wars?!?" he asked.

I gave a quick nod and Andy's mouth hung wide open. I guess he's never met a girl who likes Star Wars.

"Are you surprised?" I raised an eyebrow. 

 "Well yeah. I never met a girl whose  a nerd like me," Andy smiled.

"I'm probably one of the biggest nerds you'll ever meet; that is a girl of course," I smiled back, "so can I play?" 

"Ah um yeah sure I'll teach you, young padawan," He chuckled. 

I laughed, "thanks, Andy." 

"No problem, Emma," He handed me his laptop and we played online all morning.

Around noon Pete and Joe woke up. They found Andy and I playing Star Wars, ranting, and yelling as if we were actually in the game. Joe and Pete both stood there, stared at us in confusion.

"Hey guys," Andy said focusing on the game not even bothering to look up.

I just sat there focusing intensely on defeating a fleat of Empiral ships.

"What are you guys doing?" Pete asked curiously.

"Trying to defeat a fleat of Empiral ships, duh," I replied glancing up for a second at them.

"Where did you get the second laptop?" Joe asked.

"Emma's using mine so I barrowed Patrick's," Andy said.

"Fair enough," Joe said satisfied with Andy's answer casually went to the kitchen area and made himself a bowl of ceral.

While Pete who wasn't completely satisfied stood there, "Star Wars? Wait when did this all happen? Is Patrick okay with you using is laptop?" 

"Yeah Emma likes Star Wars. I was playing this morning and she wanted to play too. So she became my padawan and I tought her how to play. She's actually really good so I barrowed Patrick's laptop and she's been playing on mine. He's asleep but I don't think he'll care," Andy explained fixated on the game.

"So you llike Star Wars eh?" Pete smiled, "I think you'll fit in fine here."

"Cool," I said.

I think Pete was trying to flirt with me. I'm not really sure though. I guess if you're a girl who likes Star Wars guys find you attractive? 

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