Partying With Fall Out Boy

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During the show I hung out back stage and waited for Joe. He said he was gonna take me to a party after the show I was so excited, my first party I smiled wide thinking how much fun I'm gonna have. I didn't know what you wear at parties so I put my jeans back on and wore a bit of make-up on my face. Once I heard their final song end I stood up hardly containing my excitment. One by one each member arrived backstage. First Andy, then Pete, Joe, and finally Patrick. 

"Hey, Emma what are you doing back here?" Patrick asked curiously.

"Joe said he was gonna take me to a party after the show," I said happily.

"Really?" Patrick said sounding a bit disapointed, "Well I hope you to have fun." 

Patrick gave a sad grin and walked away. I was confused by his reaction but I decided to ignore it for now. 

"Hey ready to go?" Joe asked.

"Yeah sure," I smiled.

Joe took my hand and we walked out to a huge party at a club nextdoor. The club was dark but it had a lot of colorful lights flashing at the same time. The music was really loud and everyone was dancing super close to each other.

 "What do we do first?" I leaned up towards Joe's ear and asked.

"Drink!" He said dragging me to the bar. "Hello my man, I'll have a vodka and soda," Joe said to the bar tender. 

The bar tender glared at me, "Can I see some ID please?"

"Sure I dug around my bag and found my identification card," I pulled it out showing him I was legal age. 

He took the card and nodded then asked what I wanted.

"Um I don't drink so I'll just have Sprite," I said.

"Huh?" Joe looked at me confused, "Only pop come on cut loose a little." 

He nudged my arm and smiled. I thought about it for a moment I don't drink but  I just couldn't say no to his smile. 

"Okay then I'll have one of those vodka things," I said.

"Yeah living it up! You go Em!" Joe cheered. 

 A few drinks later and we were both wasted; I was more than him because I've never drank before. 

"We should dance," I slurred stumbling around. 

"I can't dance," he said.

"Please," I begged.

Joe finally gave in and we dance together it was very tight on the floor so we were pretty close. We danced terribly for awhile. Suddenly I felt someone behind me touching my ass. I turned around and it was some drunk idiot trying to get presonal. 

"Hey, hey buddy back off on the girl okay," Joe said sheilding me with his forearm.

"Why don't you make me bro," the drunk guy said pushing Joe. 

"Listen I don't want to make a scence so why don't you just leave the lady alone pal," Joe tried to calmly talk to the guy but the drunk idiot was being difficult.

He starting yelling calling me horrible names and Joe lost it. He punched the drunk guy in the face knocking him to the floor.

"I hope you learned you lesson bitch!" Joe yelled at the guy on the floor.

It was a proud moment but unfortunately it was not time to glorify soon the guys pals and a couple of security gaurds came rushing over not looking to happy. 

"I hate to rain on your parade but its time to go!" I said pointing to the unhappy mob of people looking for revenge. 

"Oh shit," Joe grabbed hold of my hand and we sprinted out the door.

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