Why is this turning into a diary?

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Hey guys. This is so incredibly random, but whatever.
I was like, "These beautiful human beings deserve to be spoken to." So here I am.
How are you guys? I hope you're good.
Uhh... My mom and I were talking about how freaking gay and I am and I screamed "I am a flaming homosexual!" And she just laughed her ass off.
Then I proceeded to text said phrase to my friends.
I'm a great human being.

Fun fact about me: I am a Gemini!
What are you guys' zodiac signs?
They say I'm compatible with Taurus and Sagittarius, if anyone's interested. ;)

--October 22--

I thought it would be unfair for me to put an update from two different days in the same chapter, so this kind of turned into a diary entry. XD

Anyways, today was the day of our choir competition. Cool, right? We got a Superior rating, which was pretty great.
Anyways, to the point of this part of the chapter. We went out to eat after as a celebration, which was lit.
So I had to pee and I decided that I could go to the bathroom. So I got up and then I literally found myself standing in between restrooms.
I know, good job me.
Then, this is where I died, the guy that had been flirting with me all night (I am not interested at all) walks out of the men's restroom.
I was so fucking done.

Anywho, he was like "what are you doing?" And my face turned beet red.
Well, lets just say he looked at me awkwardly from across the table the rest of dinner. Thank goodness that guys and girls aren't allowed to sit next to eachother on the bus, (where I am now,) or else it would have been an awkward few hours back to the school.

Welp, thanks for reading.


October 27th

I'm just kind of laying in bed, contemplating my life choices.

Who's getting excite for Halloween? (excite was incorrect grammar on purpose.)

I'm much excite. So excite that I could just die.

Okay, I'm done now.

I kind of got... Bored. That's all this is.


I had a guy tell me I was adoreable today, which was great/awkward. I need to get better at accepting compliments... And speaking to people... And speaking in general.

Yeah, I'm a mess.


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