Double or Nothing

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This is a double chapter (meaning I posted two at the same time) cause Wattpad was being dumb yesterday and wouldn't let me update or anything.
Anyways, this is my last chapter before I go to the dentist. I'm freaking the fuck out man.

Hopefully I'm not dead by the end of it! I'm such a nerd.

Guess who made Callbacks for the musical? I did. THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT. I hope I get a good role. :)

I'm writing this in bed, but it won't be published till I get to school. Not having Wifi sucks. Or data. Or phone service.

I hate my life. XD

Well, that's it I guess.

If I die at the dentist, thanks for being so loyal.

Hey, hey, if you vote on this chapter it brings me luck for my appointment. Totally not vote bait. Definitely not.


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