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{Probably gonna be short (like me lol))

NYOOOOOOMMMMMMMM! That was the sound the duo made as they rolled through the hallways of Ryotei Academy (that's the name of the school I checked.) on the book cart Maya had found. Now, the reactions of the girls were completely different. Julia was clinging onto the railing, screaming her head off. Maya was sitting on top of the railing, cackling like a madman. That, was how Maya planned to escape this hell of a high school.

On their way to the exit, a large collection of fangirl screams resounded through the hallways. Maya obviously gave little to no shits and just continued past the fangirl screams, much to the confusion of said fangirls.In the center of the fangirl horde and the object of their fangirlyness, Kou Mukami stood, interacting with his fangirls. In slow motion (to him mostly), a book cart passed by, two girls riding it. The blonde female, obviously was too busy screaming to pay any attention to him. The brunette locked eyes with him briefly before becoming bored and ignoring him again.

'What the fuck?'

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