Random Musical!!!!

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((I felt the need to do this. The story will continue (eventually) I promise))

(Note: This is a musical. They are singing this.)

Maya: There, right there!

Maya: Look at that tan well tinted skin.

 Look at the killer shape he's in.

 Look at that slightly stubbly chin.

 Oh, please he's Gay totally gay.

Kou: I'm not about to celebrate

Every trait could indicate

The totally straight expatriate

This guy's not gay, I say, not gay

All: That is the elephant in the room

Well, is it relevant to assume

That a man who wears perfume

Is automatically medically fay?

Kou: But look at his quoft and crispy locks.

Maya: Look at his silk translucent socks.

Kou: There's the eternal paradox.

Look what we're seeing.

Maya: *whispers* What are we seeing?

Kou: Is he gay?

Maya: Of course he's gay!

Kou: Or European?

All: .......Ooooooohhhh.

All: Gay or European?

It's hard to guarantee

Is he gay or european?

Shu: Well, hey don't look at me.

Yui: You see they bring their boys up different in those charming foreign ports.

They play peculiar sports.

All: In shiny shirts and tiny shorts.

Gay or foreign fella?

The answer could take weeks.

They will say things like "ciao bella"

while they kiss you on both cheeks.

Maya: Oh please.

All: Gay or European?

So many shades of gray.

Shu: Depending on the time of day, the French go either way.

All: Is he gay or European?


Julia: There! Right There!

Look at that condescending smirk.

Seen it on every guy at work.

That is a metro-hetro jerk.

That guy's not gay, i say no way.

All: That is the elephant in the room.

Well is it relevant to presume

that a hottie in that costume

Maya: Is automatically-radically

Kou: ironically-cronically

Julia: scurtinly-curtainly

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