Don't shove people off roofs, kids!

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Maya and Julia had made it to the roof, adorned in their sheet cloak/gown, when they both decided to take a break. Maya glanced at her friend, a very sad expression on her face.

"DAMMIT!" she yelled angrily, crossing her arms.

"What?" Julia inquired. "Forget something?"

"No." Maya huffed. "I just realized I have to come up with a new nickname for you."

Julia snickered at Maya's disappointment. The nickname, Horny Fedora, had annoyed her since Eighth grade and now that the actual Horny Fedora was real, she was finally free.

Maya suddenly grinned like the cheshire cat, her eyes gleaming coldly. 

"I've got it." She snickered to herself, her eyes doing the thing. (You know the thing where anime characters randomly get a single sparkle next to their face? Yeah that.)

Julia shuddered, worried. "What is it?"

Maya gave a grin terrifyingly similar to Grell Sutcliff (black butler biotch) before her quiet, but rarely serious voice rang in Julia's ears.

"Peggy."  (if anyone gets the reference I love you)

"What the fuck is that some sort of reference?"

"Yes, and it's just until I can think of something better."


"Because a certain Angry Cupcake is standing behind you."

Julia whirls around, just realizing Kanato was standing right behind her.

"Ne, Teddy? Aren't these peasants weird? They're on the roof dressed in sheets, bickering about an Angry Cupcake and someone named Peggy. They must be filled with madness."

Maya's eyes suddenly glinted evilly, meaning she was probably going to do something reckless.

Julia looked warily at her friend, wondering what she was going to do.

Maya tilted her head, her emo bangs covering her eyes with shadows.

"Madness?" she whispered, as if offended. (please note Kanato is standing right next to the edge of the roof)

Her eyes were suddenly revealed, a fire in them. (they were filled with determination)

"THIS IS SPARTA!" Maya yelled kicking Kanato in the gut, sending him flying off the roof.

Julia squinted at her best friend, who also smacked Kanato in the gut with a baseball bat, (no idea where that came from) sending him hurtling off the roof, before glancing back with a halo over her head.

"Maya I seriously hate you right now."

Maya just laughed in response, falling over and holding her stomach in the process.

A/N: Tag yourself, I'm Edgelord.

Also, Julia's new nickname is gonna be Locally Grown Farm Fresh Vegetables. (jk I just think that one's fucking hilarious.) But in reality she's succ.

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