In Which Reiji is a Prick (isn't he always)

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Maya and Julia groaned walking down the stairs, wearing the uniform given to them. (with leggings lol) See, the Insufferable Prick (Reiji) made them get down off the roof after Maya kicked Kanato off of it. 

He was pretty pissed.

And it was hilarious.

Maya leaned on Julia as she walked, grumbling under her breath (reciting a satanic chant more like) while Julia snickered at her misery because that's what she does. The reached the bottom of the stairs, meeting the rest of the brothers.

Ayato pouted seeing that they were both wearing leggings, under the disgustingly short skirt that they had been provided with.

"You're both late." Reiji said, smirking (like the dick he is)

"Fuck off." Maya growled, glaring at him.

Julia patted Maya's head, her way of warning Maya not to enrage him any further. 

(Later because I'm too lazy to write about the ride to hel- I mean school)

The Sakamaki brothers exited the limo first, the fangirls squealing at the sight of them. Maya rolled her eyes and got out next, the fangirls each glaring at her and Julia.

"Before you bitches go batshit insane and assume we're taking your shared sluts from you, I am going to tell you I have no interest in these pricks at all whatsoever." Maya growled, glaring. (she needs coffee to be in a good mood)

Silence rang out from the group of fangirls before someone said," I like her. She's mean like Subaru, and her and her friend are attractive." 

The brothers were shocked.

Maya sparkled sarcastically.

Julia began apologising for Maya's rudeness, explaining she needs coffee in the morning to be somewhat normal.

Yui raised an eyebrow.

Maya rolled her eyes and walked in, dragging Yui and Julia with her.

This was going to be a long day.

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