New threats approaches. New visitors?!

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A,N: Here is the next chapter. This might be a little long, but hope you okay with it. If not sent me a comment and I will try making the next chapter shorter. However I have decided to do a tiny review of the last chapter, or a review of what happens in the middle of the next chapter. They do it in the Japanese version, and finds that rather cool. Hope it sounds interesting. Have fun reading.  

Syrus had just arrived where the smoke was coming from, and found a little crater with the twins inside of it. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. However soon tears were shown in his eyes and he rushed over and hugged his best friend. Soon the school was back to normal, Syrus and the gang was assembled in the classroom, and everything seems fine. However in the middle of the night, a weird sort of lightning was shown in the sky, and something feel down from it. A beam of lightning appeared and inside it's shadow was a strange creature. A creature with wings

Kaiba's p.o.v.

Time skip. Before the twins arrive on the island.

It was late in the evening and the kaiba mansion in domino city was hit by terrible wetter. Rain and lightning was shown outside, and Seto Kaiba felt rather grateful for being inside. He was sitting in a good armchair near a good warm fire place, and were for once relaxing just a tiny bit, while listening to the rain outside. In his hands he was holding his deck and deck case. Something he hasn't used for a while now. He hadn't had the time to duel anyone, and at the same time, he didn't want to duel anyone. Like the crowd's wannabe duelists. He wondered for a slight moment if he should contact Yugi, or even that idiot to Wheeler, for an all out duel, but dismissed the thought as quick as it had been there. He was never gonna ask. He had his pride. Suddenly a loud crash of lightning could be heard. It almost sounded like it landed outside his mansion, and the CEO's eyes narrowed. That couldn't be the case, could it? Kaiba sighed and got up. He was rather tired and he had a lot of things to do in the morning, so he figured that he needed to go early to bed this evening. He had just gotten up when a knock on the door to this living room could be heard. Kemo walked inside and made a slight bow to the CEO before talking.

"I am sorry sir, but some unexpected guest has arrived" he then said. Kaiba snort.

"Who thinks they can visit me this late?" he then sneered "Dismiss them, and tell them to come back tomorrow at a more appropriate time". Kemo eyed him a little.

"I don't think you want this Mr. Kaiba" he then said "They ordered me to show you this". He was holding up a monster card from the duel monster game. It looked like a female demon. Kaiba's eyes widened.

"Make them comfortable. I will be there in a second" he then replied.

He looked down at his clothes. He was only dressed in a pajamas and slippers. He rushed down to his own room and dressed into his casually antire. At the same time, he wondered why They of all people, was going to visit him, and then this late. Soon he rushed down to one of the other living room's he was having. This was usually used when the took care of guests. It was a plain room with a couch and matching table. Light made by some floor lamps and a lamp in the ceiling. Beside that there were some couple of paintings on the walls and some flower pots. However what he found in this room made his heart skip a beat. Both in joy and shock. In front of him was two teens standing. Two people he honestly didn't think ever would meet at his doorstep this late in the evening. The twins Tara and Jaden Yuki. They had both changed since he last saw them on the footage, when the school disappeared into that other dimension. He had gotten updated on the situation via Pegasus. Therefore he also got some glimpse at the twins, before they was considered missing. However apparently since then they had changed a little. Jaden was still dressed in his slifer red antire, but had replaced his white jeans with a pair of black ones. He had also gotten some inches taller and his hair was longer. Tara was also dressed in her blue obelisk antire, but had added black leggings and gloves to the set. She had also grown some inches, even though she was still a tiny bit shorter than Jaden. Her hair was the same length as usual, but she was having a black strib in the middle, that went from a lock at her forehead and down to the back of her hair. They both turned around when the door to the room opened. They had been looking at the painting just before then. Kaiba eyed them a little and they him. No one said anything at first. Then Jaden took a step forward. He was smiling a smile who didn't go completely up to his eyes.

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