Hooked up together?! In a tag team Tournament?! part 1.

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. just a little info. In japan it is not unusual that the children are well in charge of the school. They have school president (not on this academy though) and committee's. So not unusual that younger kids makes stuff for their grown up senpai's. although not gonna say the different titles of respect in my story. However please comment on what you think of the chapter.   

Alexis's p.o.v. 

Alexis sighed deeply. Right now she was sitting at her seat inside her classroom. They were having a break. Time had passed by. After the event with Trueman at the abandoned dorm, the life at DA had turned back to normal. Or as normal at it could get for now. After all this island had been in constant danger over the years, and since the twins, and their friends knew Trueman might come back, they knew they weren't out of danger as of yet. However the school life continued like usual. The twins had accepted the others, and was not trying to avoid their friends any longer, but that didn't mean they still weren't distant. They still didn't join any of the classes. (not that Jaden were much in the class in the past. Beside sleeping through them of course) However it annoyed Alexis a little that they weren't here anyway. She missed talking to Tara about girl stuff, (she had something that troubled her mind) and being around Jaden, well just because! She would never in million years admit that she had a crush on that slifer duelist. Not even to herself. Clicking sounds could be heard in the background now. Alexis didn't really pay much attention. 

"Alexis, say cheese!" a voice then suddenly said and a click sound from a camera could be heard. Alexis turned surprised around and saw Blair standing with a camera in front of her. Behind her was Hassleberry and two other students.

"Smile at least a little Alexis" Blair said in an annoyed tone.

"What is this? Photo?" Alexis questioned a little confused.

"We are the graduation album making committee" Blair announced proudly and the others nodded in agreement. Alexis looked stunned at them.

"Graduation album?" she then said and remembered "Ah yes, it is already about that time". Blair nodded eagerly.

"It's for memories so make a brighter face please" she then said and was holding up the camera again. Sadly Alexis wasn't really smiling. Blair sighed. "Really? You're face is not really smiling". Alexis sighed a little.

"Sorry.. it's just..". Hassleberry grinned a little.

"Oh well, there were a lot of things happening soldier, and you had to go through a lot too. Just like my Dino queen Tara" he then reassured her. Alexis looked puzzled at him. She didn't think she went through much right now. However Hassleberry still slammed himself firmly on the chest.

"All right! We younger students are going to do some work and make some memories for you older students" he then said and smiled "As leader of the graduation committee, I have decided we are organizing party soldiers". At that the other students in the classroom lit instantly up at the word 'Party'. They were liking the idea already. Hassleberry smiled proudly.

"So we are gonna make some sweet memories" he then said firmly and grinned like hell "And I know exactly who is gonna be my date for that party..". Alexis noticed him turning a little red, before he turned around on the heel and rushed out of the classroom. This couldn't be good.   

Tara's p.o.v.  

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