Bonds broken by destiny?! Part 1.

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. Before you read it, I would like to state a little warning. The next couple of episodes are rather dark, and if you are not into it, I recommend that you don't read it. Season 4 is general dark, so it is no wonder it never got dubbed. But if you are okay with it, then please continue. I would love to hear your comments on what you think of this chapter afterwards.

Normal p.o.v.

A little bit earlier, before being desolated.

It was a normal day at the Kaiba corp., and Seto Kaiba was sitting inside his office. He was sitting at his desk, and was tapping annoyed with his pen at the table here. He was supposed to be signing documents, but Kaiba couldn't concentrate. His thoughts always ended wandering to two certain twins. Kemo had mentioned it to him and suggested he should take a week's vacation, but Kaiba had turned the offer down immediately. He didn't need vacation. He never had time for that stuff. However once again his mind wandered to those twins. He was wondering if they were okay. As soon as he had thought that, Kaiba cursed himself. Why was he thinking of them anyway? They should never have showed at his doorstep that night. He loved being ignorant of their existence. He could live with their hatred for him. He had been better off without them anyway. However after that night where they showed, everything had changed. Kaiba had a hard time getting his head together. Mokuba even had to take over at some meetings. Kaiba growled a little now. Maybe he should really have that vacation. It was not like they could run down Kaiba corp. in just one week. He snort inside. Last time he was absent, Pegasus and guys like Darts had taken over. He didn't want anything like that to happen.

"Thank you father. You really do care".

"We want to become a family again".

Kaiba sneered angrily when those thoughts ran through his head. Why was everything becoming so difficult? However deep down Kaiba was also a little happy, although he never would admit it. He wanted them to become a family again.

"Someone seem to have a lot on their mind" a voice suddenly said and then chuckled darkly "Maybe I should fix that for you Mr. Kaiba".

Kaiba flew up from the chair he was sitting at, and was looking carefully around. Someone was in here. How it was possible, considered the guards, Kaiba didn't know.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" he shouted.

The voice chuckled darkly, and footsteps could now be heard. In the shadows, hidden in the corner of the room, was a person now appearing. Dressed in black, who was consistence of dark pants, shoes, T-shirt and a long trench coat, the person were also wearing a mask covering his whole face. Sea green hair was spiked down to his shoulders, and from the sound of the person's voice, Kaiba was sure it was a male, who was maybe in his late teens?!

"You are really slow in detecting me Mr. CEO Seto Kaiba" the boy mocked and chuckled darkly again "Clearly your mind have wandered to a different place".

"Who are you?" Kaiba sneered back and were ready in a defensive stand "And how did you get passed the guards?". The boy chuckled again.

"Nothing is impossible for the emissary of the true darkness" he replied and glared at Kaiba "Let's just say your guards is indisposed at the moment, but don't worry you will see them soon in the true world of darkness". Kaiba glared back at him.

"So you are the one they shall face?" he said in a cold tone "To fulfil the prophecy?".

"Ah not quite. The one you are speaking off, is my master Nightshroud" the boy said in an amused tone "But he has his eyes on them. Your kids. Those twins who are Wessel of the gentle darkness. The twins from the prophecy". Kaiba snort at that.

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