The start of the graduation duels. Third years vs Everyone.

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A,N: So, so and so utterly sorry you guys for making you wait so long for this chapter. I had a lot of trouble with the duels, but in return for your patience, I have made this chapter really long and hopefully good. I will also update more randomly, giving almost all my time to Gx season 4, so I can finish it. Have fun reading this chapter 😊

Normal P.o.v.

It was a normal night in Domino city. It was late in the evening, and silence uttered because of it. In a little house somewhere, was a boy sitting in his room however and was sad. He was even crying. He had lost yet another duel today, and he felt down. He was even thinking of giving up on dueling for good.

"Why can't I become stronger?" he then sobbed out remembering how the other kids had teased him because he was weak.

"You're too weak Tsutomu!".

"It's not fun dueling against a weak guy like you". The boy, Tsutomu sneered, his eyes were shining in a weird blue color now.

"I'll become stronger one day and..". He got interrupted when a strong wind was suddenly blowing from the window.

It caused the curtain to remove themselves and a little breeze to escape into the room, blowing cards off his desk. It landed on the floor below him. Tsutomu looked stunned at that and quickly bowed down to pick them up. He was looking at one of his favorite monster cards "Gigobyte". It was glowing in a weird dark aura. Before Tsutomu knew it, all his card did that, and soon assembled a man, Trueman, appeared beside him.

"W-who are you?" Tsutomu stutter out rather shocked.

"There is no need to be alarmed. You made the card that way" Trueman told him.

"Me?" Tsutomu questioned puzzled.

"That is right. Your grief, anger and pain has tainted the card" Trueman replied and smirked evilly "You want to become stronger, don't you? Then accept the darkness within your heart. If you make friends with the darkness, the fear shall perish".

Trueman takes shape once again of a whirlwind of cards, engulfing Tsutomu, making the boy scream out loudly. That of course wakes up his parents, who rushes to the stairs were Tsutomu's room is upstairs.

"Tsutomu? What is wrong?" his father shouts and are debating with himself, if he shall go up there, and disturb his son's privacy.

His mother is right beside him filled with worry. However before they can do anything, the door to Tsutomu's room open, and the boy walks down the stairs.

"Tsutomu, what happened?" His father questioned worriedly.

"You were worried and concerned about me, aren't you?" the boy then said in a weird tone, while having a weird expression on his face. "I was tired of always concerning you, Papa and Mama".

"What are you saying Tsutomu?" His mother questioned in a confused tone. Something was not quite right here.

"But it is alright now" Tsutomu continued "Papa and Mama's worries shall disappear. Let us go.. to the true world of darkness!".

The boy was holding his hand out towards them, while having a really creepy expression on his face. His eyes were once again glowing in a strange blue color.

Tara's P.o.v.

"Ahr". Tara let out a monotone scream and woke up from this dreadful nightmare. Sweat were running down her forehead and she was gasping slightly for air, while trying to calm herself down. She was taking a deep break. Then another one.

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