Hooked up together?! In a tag team Tournament?! part 2.

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A,N: Well here is the second half. I just realized that I actually never did write the episode where Jaden and Alexis duel in the middle of the night in the first season. So if you are wondering later on in the story, why that is not present there, then that is why. Hope you still like the chapter though. Please comment on what you think.

Jaden's p.o.v.

Jaden walked down the corridors of the school. He was rather annoyed as well as a little guilty. The tag duel was having a short break before the finals, where Jaden and Alexis should duel against the other best pair, who happens to be Hassleberry and Tara. There was really no surprise there, however, considered how Jaden and Alexis had fought before the match, Jaden wasn't feeling thrilled about dueling. Like he wished to fight against Alexis in the first place. He sighed deeply.

"Tara I know you are out here somewhere" he then said in a firm tone. "Show yourself".

As Jaden suspected Tara walked out of the shadows from somewhere. With her power of darkness, she could be anywhere really, and you wouldn't notice. She was sending him an annoyed look though.

"Jaden what are you doing here? You should be preparing for the final duel" she then said and Jaden snort coldly to that.

"Oh yeah like you should talk" he then said firmly "You have to duel as well. Why did you set me up with Alexis, Tara? I didn't ask you to". Tara snort a little.

"Jaden you were avoiding her" she then said "I know you care about her, but you are purposely avoiding her. I know you love her, so why shouldn't you try to be together". Jaden sent her an annoying look.

"Like you the one to talk Tara. Aren't you purposely avoiding Zane?" he then replied in a cold tone "Don't you care about him? Aren't you suppose to be together?".

"Okay fine, maybe I am not better" Tara replied in her monotone voice "But you and Alexis never got together. Not like Zane and I have, and I don't think that is fair. You love her Jaden, and don't deny it". Jaden sighed deeply.

"Fine I love her, are you happy now, but Alexis clearly doesn't feel the same" he then replied coldly "She slapped me remember. If she is in love with me, then she is in love with the old Jaden. Not this new me. Not after the other dimension".

"Jaden, you haven't even tried" Tara said slowly "With this attitude, you are not letting Alexis try to get to know you. You are just cutting her off or avoiding her".

"Oh and like Zane knows the real you now too" Jaden counters "When are you gonna to face him Tara? Instead of running around hiding in the shadows, while watching him from afar. It is not like I haven't noticed you know". Tara glared at him.

"Jaden it is different" she then said slowly. Jaden snort at that.

"Where is it different? We are both avoiding people we love?" he then said.

"Jaden, Alexis knows you are fused with Yubel and is okay with that. Zane isn't! He doesn't know about me and Haou" Tara then said in her monotone voice but Jaden could feel the true emotions there. His sister was scared. So scared she was about to cry. "If he knew I am sure he would cast me aside. He met the king. He met Haou. I mean what kind of guy would keep me around, when I sound monotone and are the vessel of darkness?". Jaden pulled Tara quickly into a hug. Even though Tara didn't show it, Jaden knew Tara was grateful for the hug. Slowly his sister calmed down.

"Well I would" Jaden then replied with a big grin "I would keep you around".

"Jaden, it is not funny. You're my brother, that doesn't count" Tara then said slowly "Just please give Alexis a chance". Jaden hummed and let go of her.

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