Fighting for friends and people he loves. Atticus plea part 1.

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. Sorry for the wait you guys. It is a little dark chapter. Just so you know. But hope you like reading it anyway 😊

Tara's p.o.v.

"Take off every moorings!" Jaden shouted as the four of them tried to make the boat ready for sail.

Tara rolled her eyes. Her brother was sounding like some kind of captain right now. He was at the rudder, and Jesse and Ember was tossing of the moorings. They had told them they were gonna do it, since they wanted Jaden and Tara rested for battle. Tara sighed deeply. She really didn't like doing nothing right now. Maybe that was why Jaden was shouting around like some captain, since he had nothing else to do either. She sighed again.

"Hey Tara, stop sighing" Jaden then complained "It drives me crazy".

"Sorry" Tara replied slowly "It is just that I am nervous, and I hate doing nothing".

"Yeah tell me about it" Jaden complied "The battle. The prophecy. The duel with Nightshroud. All of it makes me on the edge too, but we gotta stick together..".

"Yeah I know" Tara replied with a sigh "I am just worried about Zane. He is not ready yet to duel. Not since I last saw him in the hospital.. what if..?".

"You can't think like that" Jaden reminded her in a firm tone "We have to believe in hope. We have to believe we can win. If not, all this is pointless".

"He is right you know" Yubel said and appeared beside them now. "If you don't believe Tara, then Nightshroud will win for sure. I am not sure what that means for your future, but let's not find out". Tara nodded slowly. That thought alone scared her a lot, but she was prepared to fight. She had promised Jaden it.

"I do not like this" Haou suddenly mused and appeared as well "It is too quiet".

"Well there is no one in the city.." began Jaden, but Haou lifted a hand to make him silent. Then a scream filled the air, and the twins quickly turned towards it. A horrified scenario meet them. Ember in a tight grip of a Trueman.

"Ember!" shouted Jesse and Jaden in unison. Jesse even tried to attack him. Jaden hissed angrily and was on the way to the mole, when he turned towards Yubel and Haou with a puzzled look.

"This is the real Trueman right? Not a trick like before?" he asked Haou.

"Go!" Haou only replied and Tara grabbed her brother's hand.

With swift movements Jaden was jumping down from the ship. His powers from Yubel made him agile and they were soon standing on the ground at the harbor. Tara fired a blast at Trueman with her powers, but in the last minute stopped up, when Ember was pulled in front of the blast. In the last minute, she made the blast turn upwards instead. Only a tiny bit of her powers hit Ember on the chest. Trueman smirked evilly at that.

"What a lovely surprise to see you two again" He said and chuckled. His eyes fixated on Jesse who had his duel disk ready. Then on both of them. "Our master sends his regards, and congratulates you for surviving for this long. I had thought our rabbit would have dragged you to our world, but like everything else, it seemed like he failed too. What a pity".

Jaden hissed angrily.

"That is right! Your master Nightshroud will never get rid of us" Jaden yelled "And I swear I will get you for what you did to everyone. Our friends and this cities civilians. You will all pay". Tara nodded in agreement and glared coldly at him.

"You must be very confident in your skills, to speak so casually of our Master" Trueman said and chuckled "Very brave or very foolish indeed. However I am not here for you. I am here for him". A finger got pointed at Jesse, who hissed angrily.

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