The true graduation duel part 3.

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A,N: Here is the last Gx chapter you guys 😭. I really can't believe that after all this time, the last chapter is finally here, meaning Gx series is done and over with. This is just so sad and beautiful. I could never have done this without your readers support, so thank you so much. I am grateful for every comment, like or heart/vote you have given me. However have fun reading. Will give few words at the end as well. That and a shout out to my boyfriend RobertDimascio who had helped me with the letters from Jaden and Tara. Thank you so much my love. 

Jaden's p.o.v.

"Yugi, the duel I have with you was the best I ever had. Your existence glitters more than anyone I fought before. Back then, I wished for it in the deeps of my heart. That this duel... this moment would last forever. The only regret I was ever having was that my sister was not here to see this awesome duel".

Thoughts by Jaden Yuki After the battle ended.

Back at the duel.

Jaden: 4000 Lp's.

Yugi: 4000 Lp's.

Jaden couldn't keep himself from smiling. He just couldn't. This duel was awesome. It was the best he ever had. Yugi countered everything he had thrown at him and even managed to get on top of the duel. Hadn't it not been for Jaden and his trap "A hero emerges" he would already be serious behind, not to mention might lose the duel. However, Jaden wasn't worried. He could take him. He only wished Tara could see this duel. He was sure she would be just as thrilled as he was.

"Yugi, if the symbol of your deck is dark magician, the symbol of my deck is elemental hero Neos" Jaden then said as he were staring fiercely at Yugi "The real fight starts now". Yugi of course send him a confident smile.

"Then show me what you got Jaden" he replied just as fiercely. "Both Dark magician and Elemental hero Neos has the same att points, so I end my turn".

"Well that means it is my turn" Jaden stated and drew from his deck.

He needed something good to turn things around this turn, or he might be a goner. Then he started off his move by summoning "Card Trooper" from his hand to the field in att mode. It was only having 400 att points at the moment, but its effect made it up for it big time. By sending the top three cards from his deck to the grave, which was "E.H. Necroshade", "Necro gardna" and the spell "spark blaster", card trooper's effect increased up to 1900. 500 points for each card. But Jaden was not done yet. Next, he activated his face down spell card called "Neos force" and equipped it to Neos. His att points rose by 800 points and was now stronger than "Dark magician. (2500-3300)

"3300 att points" Yugi mused out. He didn't seem too worried, but then again Jaden wasn't done with his turn. Not by a long shot.

"That is not all. When Neos destroys a monster by battle the opponent receives damage equal to the att points of the destroyed monster" Jaden then lectured.

This time Yugi did look a little worried. Jaden smirked confident as he made his monsters attack. Sadly, Yugi was of course ready for him. He activated his trap "Mirror force" which redirected the damage right back at him. Jaden lost both Neos and Card trooper in that battle, but since Card trooper was destroyed, he could at least draw another card. Then he activated yet another one of this face down's. The trap "Death and Rebirth". It got activated since a monster was destroyed in battle. He could now destroy one of his opponents monster on the field, which allowed Jaden to special summon a monster from his graveyard.

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