Abondened Hope (Part 2)

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7:50 PM
Central City

*Barry had asked Chief Paulson if he could have his break earlier to speak with me and Bruce, the Chief approved of it and let us go as we begun to walk around the sidewalk near Barry's work*

Me: Your chief is very precious *I said sarcastically to Barry while we walked*

Barry: Heh yeah he isn't too bad... Look how are you guys alive ?

Bruce: We can ask you the same

Barry: Look I passed out when the war was beginning to end as I was stranded with bricks and to have it been worse there was a car on top, I started losing my powers and just as I wasn't able to function anymore I passed out... *He stayed quiet after finishing telling a part of his story however we stared at him, waiting for him to tell us the other part of the story*

Me: So would you like to explain how you came back from the dead and if your powers are generating fine now ?

Barry: OH yeah forgot about that bit, well after passing out a person would usually either come back or completely die but thankfully for me even though what happened to me was quiet harsh I still woke up but in a bad shape, so I wasn't really able to get out of my stranded position until someone whom I wasn't able to see because my eyesight was still blurry and I was really just hardly able to see nothing really, this person or thing or whatever seemed strong enough to throw the car away from me but when he done so its like the car flew away... As if it was tossed around like a toy. Anyways yeah my powers are back to normal but it took some time...

Me: *Me and Bruce looked at each other for a second and then looked back at Barry* maybe Superman *I suggested Superman seeing his the only other person beside of Green Lantern that could probably do what Barry was describing*

Bruce: Possibly I mean maybe he woke up before any of us did.

Barry: If that's true then why didn't he help all of us and why would he just leave us laying on the ground*

Me: Barry is right it doesn't make sense *my eyes randomly begun to painfully hurt me but I hadn't showed that I was in pain until my head felt like there was something literally biting it from the inside, I covered my face with my left hand and just as I did greenish veins begun to appear on my face, surrounding it and my whole body was covered with these weird green veins, Bruce and Barry looked at me but before they could ask if I'm alright I fell down on the ground harshly, my eyes were closed just as my body was out of energy*

*I was still passed out but Bruce and Barry had taken me into the Police Department and sat me down on a emptied table, however inside my head I begun to see hallucinations but in the hallucinations I'd seen the presence of Shado who was with me on the island Lian Yu, in the hallucinations I'd tried to reach to her by lifting my arm but as I did she begun to speak with me*

Shado: *Inside my head as I was hallucinating Shado begun to speak with me* Oliver *and just as she said my name it echoed through my head*

Me: What's happening to me ? Shado ?

Shado: Oliver, put down your bow or everyone you love will die *once again her words echoed through my head as her eyes begun to tear up* I had to see you Oliver... You can't fight what's coming Oliver...

Me: *In my hallucinations I got up from the table as the whole room was empty and dark* Shado what is happening to me ? Please help me

Shado: You have Mirakuru inside your blood system but this Mirakuru is mixed with drops of the Lazarus Pit source of ingredients

Me: When did this happen to me *I raised my hand to her face smoothly, I closed my eyes as I felt her again after almost seven years*

Shado: When you were the island with me and Slade, you were unconscious... Almost dead, me and Slade had no choice but to inject you with Mirakuru... *She too closed her eyes and touched my cheeks with her right hand*

Me: Why are the affects taking place now and not when I was on the island ? *I got closer to her as I looked at her*

Shado: The Mirakuru was injected too late Oliver, you died on that island for weeks if not months but then once you woke up from your grave you managed to get out, me and Slade found you again but you changed and so did Slade... *She put her hand down away from me as if she was afraid of me or disgraced*

Me: Why did I not know this sooner Shado ? *I looked at her curiously but surprised from what I'm hearing*

Shado: Because OLIVER YOU CHANGED *she screamed at me angrily but as if she was going to cry* you and Slade fought, you guys almost killed each other, Oliver you put an Arrow through his eye

Me: I'm... Sorry Shado *she let ago of me as her presence begun to leave me, the hallucinations were finally over and just as they were my eyes begun to open fast but as I woke up I grabbed Bruce Wayne by the neck who was right on my left side and choked him causing him and I to fall on the ground, Barry had grabbed me away from Bruce seeing I needed to be stopped at the time being*

Bruce: *He got up from the ground and did not try to attack me surprisingly* Oliver ? Are you alright ?

Me: *I moved away from Barry Allen and Bruce* I'm fine... Sorry *my body and eyesight returned to normal and the green veins that were surrounding my whole body disappeared after waking up*

Bruce: We need to go now Barry, Oliver you and I need to speak later

Barry: Go where, I can't leave without permission

Me: Stop going by the law all the time

Barry: No wonder Billionaire Playboys don't have jobs

*Bruce his car again but this time he drove as I told him I might be in no condition to drive while I sat at the front passenger seat, there weren't enough seats for Barry so instead he took his car and followed us to the Wayne Mansion*

Bruce: Mind telling me what happen back there ? *He drove fast enough to avoid the first red light*

Me: I don't know okay

Bruce: Well seems you're the only one who should know

Me: WELL Bruce I don't know okay now if you would stop asking me that would be great

Bruce: Something happen to you ?

Me: Yeah I passed out... *I said sarcastically but also in a pissed off way*

*He raised the gearbox and went faster as he finally reached the Wayne Mansion, me and Barry got out of the car and into the house, Bruce had went inside too as he told me and Barry to follow him and as we did we soon we were down at the Bat-Cave. His suit was in a glass display next to mine as he put mine down here too for the time being seeing I was living with him, he and I grabbed our suits and just we put them on Barry was just looking at us as if he didn't know what we were doing*

Barry: So... Cool suits, uh what are we doing ?

Bruce: We need to go out to show this world that if us three are back that we can recreate the Justice League

Barry: Good idea but its not like we are going to show identities on TV so how we gonna warn the world that we are back

Bruce: We can leave an audio tape at the news report company 

Me: Thats not half bad, we'll send Barry to do that job seeing his the quickest here... However do you have your suit ?

Barry: You don't think I ever left my ring *he smiled while looking at us*...

To Be Continued

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