Abodended Hope (Part 3)

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11:30 PM


Wayne Manor

*Bruce had simply gotten out a Bat looking audio and recorded himself as he sent a message to the people of the world and the people of the Justice League, after finishing the message he had by himself dropped off the audio message at the Gotham City Police Department for Commissioner Gordon to listen to it and so that he would let the people know.

I hand't slept all night and neither did Bruce however Barry stayed in a room by himself, until I went downstairs to the living room and turned the TV straight away to the news channel only to have seen a reporter announcing that Commissioner Gordon has something to share with all of us*

Commissioner Gordon: *He cleared his throat and looked at the camera in front of him as he fixed his glasses* I have something umm to share with everyone so please listen carefully, Batman and two of his friends have come, Green Arrow and Flash however they haven't built up the Justice League, now Batman left this message for me yesterday at my office *he turned on the audio tape for everyone to listen to it*

The League broke apart 2 years ago when the war took place and ever since then we haven't ever made contact with the League, now I send this message directly to the Justice League members that are hearing this. Me and Green Arrow have found Flash now we as members want what's best for this world, we need to reform the League because this world needs you because with or without you we never stop being heroes. Superman I know you're not dead and I know your alive somewhere, so stop hiding and that goes for everyone in the Justice League. *The message ended however Gordon too said a few things*

Batman I have never said thank you for the things you've done for us, you and your friends. So thank you for everything. *I turned off the Television*

Bruce: *He was standing behind me as he too watched the news* I hope they got the message, on note I found the fingerprints on the red arrow... His a young adult, 20 years old, he goes by the name of Roy Harper and he has been doing this vigilantism for the past two years you've been away...

Me: Oh... His the kid that I took with me in the car during the war two years ago, remember the kid that met you in the car

Bruce: That's him ? Why was he with you in the first place ?

Me: Thing is back then the kid was inspired by me and he asked if he could help me and I thought well why the hell not, he was a private partner I guess and well Hal Gordon convinced me to speak with him in the first place when I actually wanted to take him down but He had a good reason to why he did this vigilantism...

Bruce: I see... *Before he could continue his sentence the door to the Wayne Mansion knocked rapidly and just as me and Bruce went to the door and opened we'd seen the last thing we expected and after so long I'd seen Bruce so shocked but who could blame him, The Justice League stood together as one and the last person I'd seen surprised me most which was Red Arrow. Barry walked down the stairs as he'd seen The Justice League, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Cyborg. Bruce's face raised with a smile and walked down to see if everyone was actually there which they were*

Superman: *He was smiling and stood with his arms crossed together* I guess hiding isn't really my thing...

Bruce: *He looked at him and he only just lightly finally let out a small smile in front of us all* I guess it's not

Red Arrow: Hey... *Everyone went quiet and stared at me and Roy*

Me: Heh *I scoffed lightly* hey kid

Red Arrow: So you're The Green Arrow

Me: Well yeah that's me

Red Arrow: Guess I'm gonna be seeing you a lot now ?

Me: So you managed to make it from a street vigilante to a hero

Hal Gordon: He is gonna be your partner... Green Arrow

Me: *I looked Hal whom stood next to Roy* that won't be a problem.

Red Arrow: Thanks...

Superman: I'm sorry for your loss Oliver

Me: *My eyes adverts at Superman* thanks but everyone has their time...

Bruce: So you guys are really back

Superman: Guess we are

Me: Well we better keep it that way, this time for good.

Hal: Trust me we're not leaving. Not this time.

Me: Good because this time we need to fight back, to everyone that tried to destroy the Justice League...

To Be Continued...

Till The Next Book

Hope you have enjoyed the first book and I promise the second will be better.

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