One Plan (Part Two)

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8:30 PM


Mount Justice

One Plan...Cities burn to Ashes.

Me and the Justice League finally after an hour drive had landed the plane on the turf of the island where the sand area was. An island by the name of Lian Yu, I know you've probably heard the name Lian Yu. Same hellish island I spent five years on getting tortured, the same island that forged me into a weapon but this time the minute I stepped a foot again on that island I was now ready for any sort of danger that I had to distribute with five years ago. We had started to walk into the deep bushes and the woods that were surrounding the inside of the island, Superman had stopped us in the middle of the island and had explained it would be a good idea to spread out but before he done so I thought it would be a good idea to ask him what it is we are looking or hunting for.

Superman: *Replying quickly to my question* yesterday Batman and Cyborg tracked down where the threatening message was sent from and it located a broken apart airplane that was sent to this island... Five years ago, the same timing you survived on this island

Me: That plane I think you're talking about was the same broken plane that I first ever found Slade Wilson in.

Batman: *Batman had replied back to me before Superman can* which is why it's even easier for us to locate because you have been to the location of the plane but for now I think Superman is right, we need to spread out. So, Green Lantern and Flash you guys will be going to the West-side of this island, Superman and Wonder Woman youse two will lead East-Side and me and Green Arrow will lead North of this island, now if any of youse discover anything you shall do well to contact us by your ear pieces and one last thing if any enemies approach you try not killing them and try to get as much out of them as you can.

The members of the league had spread out which left me and Bats to go but before he did he'd reminded of something that was on this island.

Batman: We both know Ra's Al Ghul... We both know he has the Lazarus pit however what we don't know of this Lazarus Pit might still be on this island so if we find it then we can truly find a way to stop him.

Me: Yes that is true Bruce, however how do we know its Ra's Al Ghul that sent the threatening message to us

Batman: We don't but we have to consider that possibility that it may be him that's behind all this

Me: Fair enough... *I took a long sigh and looked around me* this island... We better go *I changed the subject and had walked beside of Bruce.

Lian Yu.

9:40 pm

*I just remembered that I need to contact Red Arrow and warn him about me leaving Star City for a couple of days or so however at the moment me and Bruce needed to focus on finding any signs of life. Me and Bruce perceived a little twitch behind us, my attention drawn behind me to have seen if anyone was there however I failed to find anyone and so did Bruce though after we turned back around we'd kept walking and for a little while again we heard a twitch from a tree branch above us but the twitch became louder every second as if the branch was beginning to break off on top of us yet just as it did me and Batman rolled down away from the branch, it seemed as though it was aimed against us but the tree branch broke off and fell to the ground missing me and Batman. Bruce and I looked up to investigate whom it was that caused the branch to fall but seeing we were so focused on finding who it was we forgot the possibility that maybe it was someone nearby, we were so busy looking up that someone had kicked me and Batman forcibly on our chests to the ground causing my hood to swift to uncover half my face however the other half was still unrevealed, my bow was still in a tight grip of my hand so as the opponent was once again about to kick me I swung my bow onto their leg causing them to fall on the ground however not for long as the person seemed to disappear as I got up, Bruce whom was just getting up groaned a little*

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