From Vigilante To Hero

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11:40 am, Mount Justice, December/31st/2009.

Finally after 2 hours and a half of sitting my butt on a seat of a plane that was't even comfortable, Superman and Batman took me to the location of Mount Justice to finally meet the full League, the Justice League, the entrance to the mountain was not any sort of normal entry you go to when your visiting a house, no this entrance included four ways to enter and exit The first is the front entrance located at the base of Mount Justice, leading into the forest. The second is the back entrance that faces the Rhode Island coast, and the third is through the bay door in the hangar which opens onto the Atlantic Ocean. The fourth method is via one of the Zeta-Beam teleporter tubes, through which members of the Justice League and the Team can travel to and from various locations. There are a few rooms that Superman and Green lantern already showed me such as: a workout room which included, A room with stair steppers, stationary bikes, elliptical trainers, treadmills, dumbbells and barbells, the kitchen was a open kitchen for either Young Justice or Justice League to be inside though the lounge is quite large that also includes a built-in large HD-3D TV, the kitchen and lounge share the same placing area and lastly Green Lantern had showed me alone as Superman soon got busy which was the library room. The library that includes a large two-level library with reading tables and dozens of bookshelves. Oh yet not have forgotten also the mission room is the most important room so that alone Batman had showed me, The central chamber, with a holographic computer. It can also serve as a training area.The Mission Room also has two Zeta-Tubes.

A few hours later after packing into the room that'll I'll be staying for a week and during the week I will have to make up my mind about either staying or not though for now I will be sharing a room with Green Lantern, for now the Justice League members were told to meet at the mission room where we will be having to speak about my future in the League and for me to get to finally know most of the other Justice League team although I'd looked forward to it I kinda then thought it will be awkward for the first time ever yet I did not care anymore and made my way to the mission as did Green Lantern who was following me the same way, Superman came from another entrance which was the opposite door from the room and the Batman came then after Superman following from behind. Superman sat at the very first and the very end of the table and Batman sat to the left side one chair away from him, I was not told to where I'd had to be seated so I decided to sit down at the very end side of the table across of Superman though later finally Wonder Woman and Nightwing had arrived and seated themselves in their spots to sit down which led to the last person who was surprisingly late side his actually the fastest person in the whole of Justice League which was Flash though as Flash himself to the mission room I can already see Green Lantern glaring at Flash as if those two had been up to something. The entrances to the mission room were now closed immediately after everyone made their way in. I looked around the room seeing how large and wide it is though there it so packed inside here you can't really tell that it's so big anymore however I'm quite used to that since I lived in a mansion all my life.

Superman finally spoke and broke the silence,

Superman: Now I know most of youse are wondering who the man with the green suit is, he's name is Oliver Queen he has a profession at martial arts, archery, kick-boxing, acrobatic, hunting and swordsmanship however there is more to that though let's get on with this. I know from what sounds like he may seem like Batman he is completely different in someways, Oliver Queen will tell us about his past and history so for now lets hear what he has to say for us. 'Finally after finishing Superman and the rest of the League stared at me and waited for me to speak'

Me: As Superman said my name is Oliver Queen, I'm at the age of 34. There is much to tell about my past but for now the easiest way to put is like this, I was stranded on an island by the name of Lian Yu for 5 years I had went on yacht five years ago with my father and my girlfriends... Sister 'I took a slight pause but from then continued whilst looking at everyone' with whom I had a secret affair, however during the time we we're on the Queen's Gambit the yacht entered a violent storm and capsized, killing everyone on board except for me and my father we'd all made it in a single safety raft. Adrift for a few days and running out of food and water, father told me that he wasn't the man I thought he was 'I took another pause but shorter this time with a slight sigh' he told me that he didn't build Starling City and that he failed it, he then pleaded with me and told me to right his wrongs... 'This time I looked at everyone though as I closed my eyes for a second and opened them again I'd continued my story' before he took his gun out from his vest he told me to survive then after that was time he took his own life.

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