Chapter 12

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Allison's POV:

It hasn't been much time since Martha left, but I already miss her. Her eyes, her hair, her lips, the touch of her hands on mines... I miss her so freaking bad.

I'll text her.

"Hey little piece of perfection, I miss you :'("

I'm waiting for her answer.

5 minutes haves passed...10...15...20...

Why she just can't pick the fucking phone and text me back... I miss her, I want to talk to her.

After a while waiting my phone is vibrating. (Please Martha please Martha please Martha...)

Martha: I can't talk right now baby, it's Sarah, she's kind of...depressed and she needs me right now. Talk to you later baby, love you <3
Allison: Is she okay?
Martha: She will be. Don't worry baby. Love you.
Allison: Love you too <3

I really am worry about Sarah. What has just happened?

Anyway, I'm hungry af. I walk to the kitchen and I open the fridge picking a yogurt and I eat it happily, because I'm hungry and this yogurt is making me enjoy the feeling of being increasingly hungry... this yogurt is a good friend... it will always be...

Oh fuck I miss Martha so much that I'm literally smiling at the yogurt with a thankful look... I'm feeling so damn lonely without her, I want her here by my side, holding my head and kissing my lips, I don't want her far away from me... this is killing me inside...

Martha's POV:

We are in a taxi cab, in our way to the hospital, Sarah looks like she has relaxed a bit... thankfully, because I don't like seeing her sad or upset...

"Do you think he will be happy to seeing me?" She asks, looking distressed.

"You silly, sure he'll be glad to see you!" I say with a big smile.

"He'll be happier at the fact that you will come too..." she says looking at the window.

I really don't know what to say now...
I know I shouldn't feel guilty about it but a part of me is feeling guilty.

Josh has wanted me a long time ago, I know it, he knows it, Sarah knows it, and everybody else knows it.

I hate it because I know Sarah loves Josh...

We head to the hospital and go to Josh's room.

Sarah gasps as she heads inside the room.

"Josh!!!! Oh my god! Hi!" She says, almost crying.

Josh doesn't look that bad...I guess. I mean, I expected him to look worse that how he really looks so yeah...

Josh weakly smiles at Sarah.
"H-hi..." he manages to say.
"I've missed you Josh... you don't know how much I did..."she says with tears rolling from her cheeks.

"I've missed you too Sarah, you know, I've been thinking of you every time, at least trying to think because you know..." he says, they both laughs a little.

Now I decide to get inside the room and talk a little with Josh.

"Well guys I think I'm going to the cafe, I want a drink..." I don't really want a drink, what I actually want is leaving this two lovebirds alone... I wink at Sarah and she smiles, thankful.

I get out of the room and I pick my phone to write Allison. It has passed a lot of time without talking to her and I miss her so damn bad.

"Hi baby :) now I can talk, everything seems to be solved. I miss you baby, I want to see you... plz :( <3" and with that I put my phone back in my pocket and start heading to the cafe, and, obviously, waiting for an answer of the only human in this whole fucking world able to make me feel like I'm always flying above a kingdom of happiness and make my emotion's box beat (aka heart) beats so damn fast and with her I feel like I'm really alive...
Yay! I love her! And it's really good to love someone... It is...

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