Chapter 5

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Allison's POV:

Oh god Martha, seriously, do you like me? I really wanted to kiss you, I want to kiss you...

And it seems she wanted too, she didn't go away when I was about to kiss her... agh, she's just so confusing...

The party has begun, there was a lot of people around me... My dream comes true...yay(!)...

I go to the kitchen, well, the kitchen hasn't walls, only a big table that is like a bar... but there isn't any people there so perfect.

I sit on a chair with my phone; maybe all this people are having a lot of fun but me too actually, yeah...

I look up and I see Josh with a glass of some kind of drink I don't recognize, well, it's not like I'm a master in that, I haven't even drank so...

He is talking with his friends and drinking his *introduce alcoholic drink name*. And some times he looks at Martha...

I look at Martha and I see her dancing with Sarah... She's having a lot of fun, I like it... I like seeing her happy, si I like her seeing her being herself, damn...

She's moving perfectly with the music, she has that kind of look in her dark brown eyes that conveys happiness and she doesn't stop smiling and laughing...

When I look at her, fuck, even when I think about her my heart starts beating so damn quickly and I feel butterflies in my belly and fireworks in my chest when she look at me, when she smiles at me, when she fucking talks to me, I feel it! And I'm not sure if I love it or hate it...

Well!!! Let's don't think about Martha anymore... I put on my headphones focusing in my music and not in the loud and strident sound (because this can't be considered music).

I start singing out loud my song and some people surrounding me are staring at me with a weird look... I don't know why... I mean, it's so damn normal; a girl, in a party, with headphones, singing her own songs... FUCKING USUAL OK?!

Each song reminds me Martha... I look again at her and I see Josh beside her... He's talking to her...
And I'm feeling so damn jealous...

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