A lioness in the Wild,
Fighting everyday for her life.
Making joy in every little thing,
Happiness found from a bird that sings.
A lioness who lost her king,
Couldn't move on,
Still holding on,
But without a ring,
And still she travels,
Making most of her fears unravel.
Sometimes it rains on her roof,
Thunder and lightning shook,
But who is she to give up?
When the kingdom, to her looks up.
As she stares at the night sky,
A tear falls down form her eye,
She is a warrior in the light,
But a lost soul at night.
So, she makes most out of life,
Ever since before she learns to fight,
But somehow she survived,
Even without the king by her side.
She wandered all her life,
Learning a lot from everything,
Will she ever have the ring?
Or she'll die in the savanna with nothing?