Fallen Angel

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"Welcome to the real world.."

- Max Caulfield

CHAPTER TEN: Fallen Angel

I rushed out with the crowd of curious students, my stomach churning more and more as time passed. I walked quickly through the crowd, hearing many wonder what the hell was going on. We streamed out the door, and into the rain that was pouring down.
    Some students brought umbrellas while the others just suffered through the rain. Water splashed onto my leg as I jogged into a puddle, the chilly raindrops causing me to shiver. My hair was quickly getting damp and I could feel trails of rain drip down my face. I tried calling Kate again, but no one answered. This was the fifth call I had made, and still no Kate.

    "Do you see that!?"

    "Oh my god, no!"

    "Someone has to do something!"

   "Bitch flipped out!"

    "I didn't think she was that messed up."

    I looked around me at all the students talking, my fear rising. I shook my head, walking through the gates to get to the front yard. I rushed around the corner, seeing even more students huddled in the large crowd in front of the school. I see everyone pointing up, cameras flashing and people yelling out. I snap my head up, the sight almost bringing me to my knees.

It was Kate...standing on the edge of the roof...

    I shook my head, my mouth dropping open. It was seconds until she stepped off the edge, and plummeted to her death. There was a chorus of screaming, including mine as we watched her body fall through the air. I screamed again, tears quickly streaming down my cheeks. I shot my hand out, freezing time. I sobbed, my trembling hand forced into the air.

She can't die..she can't...

    Even with my painful headache beginning to form, I rewind time until she was safely back on the roof. I gritted my teeth, watching the raindrops go back into the clouds, leaves get re-attached to tree limbs, and students put their hands down. I groaned, stumbling backwards as my head exploded with pain. I shook my head, wiping my bloody nose again.

Not like this...not now..

    I looked up to see Kate flinging herself off the roof again, determined to crash into the ground. I put my hands up again, the pain increasing. I stopped her in mid air, my whole body trembling. This can't be how Kate dies, this can't be, please. I kept my hand strong in the air, my nose dripping with blood now. I forced through the pain, focusing on Kate's body hanging in the air.

I have to try something..I won't be able to rewind time again and again..

    The more my hand was in the air, the more pain I began to feel. I had to constantly wipe my nose with my sleeve, eventually soaking it. I grunted, trying my best to get her back on that roof. It took some force, but finally Kate slowly went back up onto the roof. I bit my cheek, trying to distract myself from the other aching.
    Suddenly, a bright flash went off, and everything went still again. I looked around, my hand shaking. Everything around me was jittery, almost like a bad film glitching. The birds were stuck in the air, people were stuck in their last poses, and Kate was stuck on the edge of the roof. Her face was peering down above the crowd, her face pain stricken and confused. I took a tentative step forward, no one else moving. I took another step, the same response.

    I raised my hand again, breathing heavily. I couldn't risk losing this fight, I had to win this. I kept pushing forward, even though every fiber in my body was screaming for me to stop. My heart was hammering in my chest and my veins surged with adrenaline.

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