Wish We Could Turn Back Time

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"Love is rare, Life Is Strange. Nothing lasts and people change..."

CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Wish We Could Turn Back Time

I trudged inside my dorm, my heart heavy and my shoulders slumped. I know the spite between me and Mark shouldn't have happened, but it needed to be said. I sighed loudly, sitting in the middle of my bed. I set my bags down, rubbing my temples gently. I looked over, seeing a photograph sticking out of my dresser. I reached over and snatched it up, laying down and looking at it. A ghost of a smile touched my lips.
"I miss this.." I whispered, feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. I took a deep breath, holding the picture with two shaky hands. It was the picture of me and and Mark when we were kids. We were touching cheeks, smiling brightly at the camera. I spent a few minutes looking at it, memories flooding through my mind.
Then suddenly, I could've sworn I heard giggling. I looked around, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I looked back down at the picture, my heart starting to race. Was that Mark's voice? My eyes widened as I brought the picture closer, his laughter filling my ears. I shook my head, squinting. This can't be real. This can't be. My vision became a little blurry and my headache flared up again.
The picture seemed to be twitching and moving, jerking this way and that. It was like the picture was coming back to life. I gasped, letting the picture fall to the ground. Oh my god. What is happening now!? I hesitated before picking it back up, my mouth dropping open. It was almost as if it was pulsating, my skin rippling with chills. I heard more laughter, even Mark's real dad laughing.
"Stay still, girls! Say cheese!" His voice rang out, echoing in my ears.
"I can't even see, Mark! Stop!" I heard my voice, young and bouncy as I giggled. I shook my head, my hands trembling at this point. I focused harder on the photo, ignoring the churning in my stomach. Everything started to fade away, all noise tuned out. My eyes became wide and I started to see a very bright light. Too bright, so bright I was unable to look away.
A flash suddenly went off, startling me. i blinked a few times, looking around. In front of me was...Mark's dad. He stood with the Polaroid up to his face, clicking the button. He pulled it down, smiling brightly at me. My breath caught in my throat, my heart pounding against my chest. I turned, gasping as I saw Mark smile at me and put his arm around my shoulders. I was the same size, short and young.
"Someday dad will get one of them newfangled computers!" I stood there, shocked by what had happened. I blinked a few times, staring at such a small and young Mark. I looked between the two of them, unable to talk. My hair was long and pulled up into a dark brown ponytail. Mark's dad chuckled and shook the picture, winking at me.
"I hope the flash didn't scare you, Max. This is a keeper." He smiled, looking down at a smiling Mark. Mark jumped up and down, his fluffy black hair hanging in his eyes. He chuckled and reached for the photograph.
"Not until I see it! You know the rules, Dad!" Mark laughed and grabbed the picture, examining it with a smirk. He looked up at me, smiling. What the hell...
"Max, tell him..whoa, hey, you look totally pale. Are you okay?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. I gulped, finally finding my voice.
"Yeah, I just...uh, yeah, I'm fine.."
"Okay, Mark, give me the thumbs up or the thumbs down."
"Well, I just might allow this one into the family album."
Now what is this...William is here! And..and Mark is just a kid..am I that far back in time? I looked at the picture frame on the wall, seeing the whole family, no David.
"You mean pancakes!?"
"They're called, "Crepes" in France."
I'm 18 years old inside my 13 year old self...how? I watched the two talk over the counter, starting to mix bowls and make breakfast. Mark looked so carefree, so happy...so Mark.
"Oui. I volunteer to break the eggs!"
I love William like he was in my own family..I won't let him die today. I won't. I grabbed the Polaroid from the counter and got their attention. Mark chuckled and smiled, flashing me his smiles I haven't seen in a long time.
"Now it's my turn to take a picture." I stated, smiling a little. Mark stroke a pose, his father laughing.
"Make me a star, Max!" Mark yelled.
"Just make me look young!" His dad said, smirking. You snapped the photo, shook it out, and set it back on the counter. They went back to cooking, leaving you to stare at them. I turned and watched Williams fetch the phone ringing on the wall. He picked it up, bringing to his ear.
"Oh, hey honey! I'm just making a fabulous breakfast with Max and Mark. We're all going to work at the Two Whales-What? Oh, I didn't know you had to get groceries. Of course I'll come and pick you up. Now I have an exscuse to get a mocha. Be there shortly, love you.." My heart dropped when I heard his last words. I shook my head, making my way over to him. He set the phone down, smiling at me.
I have to stop him from taking his car today...
"Excuse me, ladies and gents, I have to go rescue yonder queen at the Sav-Mart. She doth have many delicious grub for us to feast upon." Mark chuckled from the kitchen, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
"You are ridiculous."
"You'll be grateful for that one day."
I stuck my hand up, rewinding to the beginning and making sure he hasn't answered the phone yet. I rushed over to the phone, bending down and unplugging it from the wall.
    I breathed a sigh of relief, relishing in the silence. I walked back into the kitchen, freezing when his phone went off. He fished it out of his pocket and held it to his ear.
"Hey honey! I have no idea why the home phone didn't ring just now. I'm just making a fabulous breakfast with Max and Mark." I reminded again, sighing in frustration. I can't let him die. I can't. I went looking for his keys, soon finding them under his hat on the coffee table.
"Shit, where are my keys."
"That's a dollar for the swear jar!"
"You mean your college fund! Keys please! Shit, where are they!?"
"Another dollar for the swear jar!"
"You're bankrupting me!" He pulled something out of his pocket and pressed the button. The keys you had in your pocket started ringing, making Williams turn towards you. He smiled and held his hand out.
"Max, this is not the best time for a prank. Keys, please."
"Uh, I was just...um, are you sure Joyce is ready? Uh, let's just..let's just wait..I um.." I handed the keys over to him, looking down.
"Sorry, here." He chuckled, oblivious to the tears in my eyes.
"I'll get you back some day." He teased, heading down the hallway. He pointed at Mark, Raising an eyebrow.
"And no Mark and Max wine-tasting session."
"Don't blow it because tonight your mother promised to make us her world famous salmon surprise with chocolate cake for dessert!"
"Max, you'll be here too right?" Mark smiled at me, nodding.
"She's never leaving me!" His dad heading to the door, tears running down my face.
"That makes all of us." I rewinded again, hiding the keys this time in the sink this time, plunging them under the water. I watched him press his finder again, this time no sound being made. He sighed in frustration, shaking his head.
" I had these keys here, I know I did." He turned towards the cabinet by the hallway, filled with books and magazines.
"I forgot all about you little buddy. Release the keys!" He pressed the button again, groaning when it didn't work.
"You can take the bus, right? The stop is right down the street."
"This I can do. Good call, Max."
"Oh yeah, the bus is great! It comes every fifteen minutes and there'll be plenty of room for you and Joyce and groceries and it will save the environment."
"You sold me already. I'm off to yonder bus stop. Joyce will love this." You and Mark waved goodbye to Williams, watching him walk out. You were smiling so hard it hurt as you swung your arms side to side. Mark looked at you weirdly.
"Max, you are being so fucking strange. You feel okay?" I ended up laughing, gripping him by the shoulders and jumping around.
"Max, I am...awesome. We are awesome!" We both jumped around, my vision getting blurry again and the white light becoming bright again. Then, pictures started flashing in front of me.

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