As Long As We're Together

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"Super-Max. Time Warrior."

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: As Long As We're Together

    I arrived in town after a few minutes, it all looked like a ghost town. Trash littered the street as the harsh wind blew it all around. The sky was an ashy gray as the rain poured down and the thunder and lightning pursued. Landlines had snapped and lay across cars and buildings, poles knocked down in the streets. I drive slowly down the road, the radio spewing all kinds of warnings and cries for help. Suddenly, my phone started vibrating.
    Keeping my eyes on the road, I slipped my hand down in my pocket to fish out my phone. I tapped on the message and set it next to me, letting Siri read it out for me.
    "You have one new message. Message received yesterday at 9 p.m."
    "''s Nathan. I just wanted to say..I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt Kate or Rachel, or..didn't want to hurt anybody. Everybody..used me. Mr. Jefferson is coming for me now. All this shit will be over soon. Watch out, Max..he wants to hurt you next...sorry."
    My eyes started to tear up at the sound of Nathan's pained voice. He was struggling to finish his words, sobs seeming to get in the way. This was a side of Nathan I never though I'd see..and now he's gone. I blinked away the tears as best as I could and bit my bottom lip to keep from crying. The message ended with his haunted crying in the background before it shut up. With a shiver, I continued driving and tried my best not to break down.
    I made it further into town where the diner was. I gasped, my mouth dropping open at the awful sights. Buildings were completely crushed into a pile of bricks and rubble, houses were gutted or completely torn from the ground. Fires were spreading in random places as oil and gas leaks poisoned the streets.
    A lady came running from out of the rubble, shielding her eyes from my harsh headlights as she slipped and stumbled her way. I stopped, seeing too much destruction in my path to get through it. A couple came out from a building, holding each other and struggling to keep walking as they tried to find safety. The second I stepped out of the car, I was drenched.
    My flannel was soaked and stuck to my back, my hair dropping and plastered on my head. I looked up, seeing the monstrous tornados swirling angrily in our path. A few people ran past me, trying to get away from the tornado. They warned me as they left, pleading to leave.
    I walked my way slowly around the mess, trying to find a way into the diner. I helped as much people as I could on the way, cringing at the sights of dead bodies. I finally found a caved in wall into the building and quickly jumped into it. The rain stopped hitting me and I had to avoid the fire starting in the corner of the room. Heading back outside, I find myself on the other side of the huge wall of destruction that was blocking my way to the diner. I found a backdoor and stepped inside, hearing Warren already.
    "Max!" Warren cried as he saw me step into the diner. I smiled in relief as he crossed his way over to me. I saw Max's mom helping some injured guy on the floor as he came over. She looked up at me, relief written on her face. She ran up and threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly to her. I hugged her back, smiling.
    "Oh, Jesus, I am so glad to see you, sweetie! Are you okay?!"
    "Yes, what about you guys?"
    "Two Whales is barely standing now. I don't know if it's going to make it through this tornado. Poor Officer Berry and all those people out there. Okay, get your ass inside..I have to get back to this gentlemen on the ground. Warren has been gathering all the first-aid."
     "It's not much, Joyce. But it's all we have." I walked up to Warren and placed my hand on his shoulder.
    "You okay, Warren?" He sighed heavily, looking out the window.
    "How the hell did I ignore all those warnings, Max? The snow, eclipse.."
    "There's nothing you could do about it, Warren.."
    "I'm so stupid..I should have seen it coming.." He walked over to the counter and rested his elbows on it. I walked up to him, seeing him smile softly at me.
    "I hate to say I'm glad to see you, but I'm so glad to see you."
    "That's okay. The important thing is that you're safe and I know you can take care of yourself, after Nathan." I noticed his eye still slightly swollen and purple.
    "I should've done that a long time ago. But damn, Max..I can't believe you actually drove down here, in the middle of a fucking E6 tornado, just for one photograph. I mean, I know you didn't come for me."
    "Warren, I came for all of you. Just tell me you do have the photograph."
    "I just want-"
    "Now just up and listen."
    "Oh yeah, you're finally going to tell me what you never did in the parking lot."
    "I wish I would have. So I'm just going to tell you without any explanation. Trust me, okay?"
    "I always do. You should probably tell me quick."
    "I had a vision in Jefferson's class of a tornado destroying Arcadia Bay. I went to the bathroom and saw my best friend Mark get shot by Nathan Prescott. You with me so far?"
    "Where else could I be? Go on!"
    "Then I found out I could rewind time. And, long story short, Mark Jefferson is insane and dangerous."
    " that all?"
    "I have to go back in time..Jefferson already ki-killed Mark..I can't let that happen..I have to do something, Warren!"
    "Max, going back in time is what caused the storm!"
    "All because..because of me? How?"
    "I'm not a real scientist, even though I play one at school, but this seems like pure cause and effect, maybe Chaos Theory. Uh, what happened with Jefferson. Did..did he hurt you?"
    "Nathan accidentally killed Rachel Amber trying to impress Jefferson. He just needed mental're both dead."
    "Jesus, Max! I want the whole story, but..I guess we really are out of time."
    "But I can still change things. What do you think will happen?"
    "For every action, there's..there's a reaction. Whatever you reversed or altered time, maybe you caused a chain reaction...even in the environment."
    "You're my friend, Warren. You believe me, right? I..I haven't told anybody else except for Mark..and...and he can't help me right now."
    "I know I can be a pain in the ass..and..and you've always treated me like a person, not a beta nerd. I told you before that I'll always believe you."
    "I just wish I could trust my powers. I guess we'll never know if it's magic or science."
    "Even if it's from a wizard or a're part of something bigger. I don't believe in fate or destiny, but after this week, I realize I don't know shit."
    "That makes both of us, Warren."
    "I do know you're here for a reason..and I guess it's up to you to find out why. Max, I'm sorry you got stuck in this.. I don't have a fucking clue what's going on. But I have total faith that you'll do the right thing when the time comes. I'm so proud of you, Max. How could there be a more important moment in history? And I'm in the middle of it with you? So thank you for trusting me." He rubbed the back of his neck, his brown hair falling in his eyes.
    "Thanks for being there, always." He nodded, pulling the photograph out of his pocket and placing it on the table. I eagerly turned to look at it when he touched my shoulder to get my attention again.
    "Hey, be careful out there..." He whispered, concern laying deep in his eyes. I stood there, looking at his softened face and noticing just how much he cared for me. I felt my eyes tear up, but didn't let any tears drop as I leaned up and gently grabbed the sides of his face.
    "For luck." I whispered back, pressing my lips against his softly and kissing him slowly. He kissed me back, pulling me closer and then hugging me after we pulled away. He smiled at me, blush dusting his cheeks.
    "Just in case we don't get out of this..I wanted to say.." I grabbed his hands, squeezing them tightly.
    "I know, Warren."
    "Of course you do."
    "I'm going to make the right choices from now on..I swear."
    "That's why you're Super Max." I turned back to the photo, touching the glossy surface with my fingertips. I stared hard at it, hearing the storm rage on outside. Finally, I felt the room spin and harsh light blind the whole room. The sound of a camera going off echoed in my ears as the light faded and showed Warren's camera in my face. I looked around, smelling the booze off of Warren and seeing..Mark standing on the side.
    "We got no time for this shit. Come on, Max." He said angrily, his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed together. I gasped, running towards him and throwing my arms around his neck. He stumbled back a few steps, his arms catching my back and stopping us before we tumbled into the grass.
    "Mark!" I said in desperation, hugging him tightly.
    "Jesus, dude..what is up with you?"
    "I'm just glad we're here together." He seemed confused by my sudden outburst, but shook his head.
    "I'm glad you're with me, too. What's going on, Max? We have to find Nathan right now." I looked back at Warren who was kicking at the grass and stumbling back to his dorm.
    "Sorry, Warren.." I walked after Mark, holding my hand out to stop him.
    "Mark, wait! Listen!"
    "I can walk and listen, okay?" I grabbed his elbow and tugged him to a stop. I forced him to turn around and face me.
    "Stop and listen for once!" I grabbed both of his arms, shaking him to make my point.
    "Fine, Max, in listening." I looked around, seeing a few feet ahead of me where the warped and tattered world was falling apart. I couldn't let him leave and go into that school.
    "Mark, you can't go in that party. You're're gonna die if you do."
    "You used your powers, right? And you fucked around with time, and I died."
    "Not like that.."
    "You're supposed to back me up. So there's no way that punk-ass Nathan Prescott is taking me down."
    "You're right, he won't. Mark Jefferson killed you..and others."
    "Jefferson, the art teacher? That's bullshit! Nathan is the fucking serial killer! We saw the proof. Now excuse me, I'm going to that party to make sure he never hurts anybody again. Are you coming?"
    "Nathan is dead..and you're in danger." This seemed to surprise him, his eyebrows shooting up in shock as he looked hard into my eyes.
    "That fucker is already dead? How do you know that?"
    "Because..I was there.." Mark seemed to calm down and his anger dissolved at the sound of my cracking voice.
    "Will you please tell me exactly what happened? Please?"
    "Mark Jefferson turned out to be a psychopath."
    "Okay, Max. Let's go in there as a team and take his ass out right now!" I sniffled, looking at the ground before looking back up at him. My eyes started to water and before I knew it, tears were streaming down my cheeks.
    "Mark..Jefferson drugged and kidnapped me. I was tied up in his bunker. You have no idea what hell I went through to get back here..but I couldn't let you die. You brought me back here, and I can't lose you again. I won't!" Mark's lips were parted slightly open, his own eyes watery. I saw a few tears slip their way down his face, his bottom lip trembling slightly as he heard what I said.
    He reached out and took my hands, gritting his teeth as he let air whistle out of them.
    "Oh...Max..I'm..I'm so sorry. I was the one who dragged you into all this shit. Nobody, especially you, should have to go through that. Now we have to stop Jefferson, with one bullet."
    "No! Not this way! Mark..I..I can't keep fixing everything if all I'm going to do is just break it, over and over again. I know how this is gonna turn out and..and I'm afraid of fucking up all these alternate realities."
    "Wait..alternate realities? What do you mean, Max? What did you do?" I took a shaky breath, feeling more tears run down my freckled cheeks.
    "I fucked up, Mark. I wanted to make things right, but everything turned out wrong."
     "Max, what the hell are you talking about?"
    "I was able to go back in the last day William was alive. I stopped him from leaving, but you ended up in a car crash instead..." I choked up, flashes of Mark in a wheelchair burned in my brain. Mark froze, eyes bloodshot and teary as he rubbed the back of his neck harshly.
    "You saw my dad again....?"
    " were completely paralyzed. And you were in pain. You were slowly dying, and asked me to..end your life. And I did..for you. I didn't want you to suffer in any other timeline or reality. I couldn't bear the thought of you in anymore pain."
    "God, Max..that must have been..that must have been awful for you. I'm so sorry I had to ask you that."
    "It was worse for you. But, I had no idea what would happen, usual, I messed everything up, and..I never want to hurt you, ever. You have to believe me."
    "Of course I do. Do you think I would even know how to handle that situation? Nobody would..the important thing is that we're together again."
    "You're right. That's why you should come with me so we can stay together..and stay alive."
    "I hear you, Max, but do you think we should let Jefferson get away with torture and murder?"
    "Of course not. If we tell David, he'll believe us and he can actually stop him, right?"
    "I don't get it..why do you trust him, after you totally reamed him the other day? He's not even at our house anymore."
    "Mark, David saved me from Jefferson..if he didn't track down the Dark Room..I'd be dead right now."
    "Max..I had no clue..I should have been the one to save you, but I'm so grateful David was there. So what's your plan?"
   "We tell him everything, including that Victoria is in danger."
    "Okay. You've been through so much..I believe you, Max. After all, I'm still your faithful companion." I finally let a small smile break through, it stopped my tears for the time being anyway.
    "Yes, you are. So, listen, in a few minutes, I won't know any of this happened...nothing. We absolutely have to stay in your room and do nothing. Then, we explain everything to David, and we finally let him do his job. You'll have to tell me exactly what I did and said just now. Just explain that I traveled through time using the photo."
    "Will you believe me?" I smiled at him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly. I pulled him away from the school and down the sidewalk, keeping a tight hold on his hand.
    "I'll always believe you, Mark..."


It had felt like someone shoved me onto the ground at full force...

    I gasped, snapping out of it and feeling the cold rain on my face. I looked around, dazed for a few moments before realizing I was where the lighthouse was. In front of me stood Mark, looking at the tornado with wide eyes and a terrified expression. The wind whipped my wet hair around, as did his as his beanie had long gone fallen off. I cried out happily, throwing my arms around him and hugging tightly.
    "Oh, Chloe!" He turned and hugged my waist, giving me a gently squeeze before giving me a smile.
    "I see that the real Max is, how was your time trip, dude?"
    "Shut up. Oh, you're alive! You're alive, oh..both of us! I did so much to bring you back, Mark..and it worked. It actually worked. You're with me again!" I said, not even caring about the tears soaking my face along with the rain. Mark chuckled with shimmering eyes as he pulled me into his arms again.
    "It looks like even fate doesn't want us apart. travelled through multiple realities just my ungrateful ass over and over. I hope it was worth it, but.." His voice trailed off as he hugged me tightly one last time before pulling away at arms length. He held my arms tightly in his grasp, looking me in the eyes.
    "I don't blame you for wanting me out of your life, after all my drama." He let go of my arms, stepping back a bit. The waves below us crashed into the cliff aggressively, lighting coming down into the water and rocketing back into the gray clouds above.
    "Come on. I'm the official Drama King and Queen of Arcadia Bay this week. Just look at what my powers have caused in..just a short time..I mean..I'm nobody."
    "You're Max-Fucking-Caulfield. Time Warrior. Even if you weren't, you're kind and caring. Nobody could have a better best friend. Nobody. You didn't ask for any of this to happen, but it did. You need to accept how awesome you are."
    "Maybe I willed it subconsciously, or something. I always wanted my life to be adventure..but not without you. And it didn't happen until I moved back here, so..without you, my powers wouldn't even exist..." The wind howled around us as the storm continued to rage through the ocean.
    "Then for whatever scientific, mystical reason, that we'll obviously never figure out, we were meant to be together at this exact moment in history. I have to think that Rachel was somewhere behind the scenes, fighting for justice.."
    "I'd like to think that too..we all owe Rachel Amber. Now tell me everything that happened. remember right?"
    "Well, we..we left the party and made sure Jefferson couldn't find us. For once, I was glad I lived in an actual fortress. Then the storm got hella crazy..and you said we would be safe at the lighthouse."
    "Mark, look! The storm is getting bigger now. It's coming closer. I..I can't even believe this is real, but this is happening because of me." Mark grabbed my wrists and tugged me to get my attention.
    "Stop it! Stop beating yourself up, okay? We've both paid our dues already on that. Oh, god look at that. Look at that monster." We both turned to look at the gigantic tornado coming for Arcadia Bay. It had grown in size and in destruction. This could wipe out an entire town..our town. Mark stood close, wrapping an arm securely around my waist.
    "Who knows..this could be Rachel's revenge..our revenge.." Mark looked over my head to see the lighthouse. He pointed towards it, pushing me towards me.
    "The lighthouse is out of the way of the tornado. Come on!" I tried moving, but my head exploded into pain. I groaned, hunched over and pressed my hand against my forehead.
    "Oh..what..Mark..." I cried weakly, feeling my knees buckle. My nose was bleed profusely as I fell into Mark's arms. I leaned against him as he lowered me to the ground, his arms wrapping around me. I felt my eyes droop as the world started spinning faster and faster. I heard Mark's voice in my ear.

"I've got your back, Max."

Then everything went black...




One more chapter and then this book is coming to a close! I hope you all have enjoyed it and I hope I tried my best to make you guys enjoy it.

Again, sorry for the slow updates I had on this book, writing a full playthrough of a game into a book can take some time for anyone.

See you guys in the last chapter,

Buh bye!)

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