He's Alive

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"That's the problem with putting others first, you've taught them you come second."


I held the picture in my hands, tears swimming in my eyes. I needed Mark back, I needed him back. I sniffled, looking back up at Mark on the bed. I gritted my teeth, focusing back on the picture. I could already hear our voices in my head, the picture moving slightly. I took a deep breath, leaning closer to the picture.

I'm bringing him back...

Soon, the room started flashing and a painfully bright light invaded the room. My heart was pounding and the picture trembled in my hands as the light overpowered everything and I soon couldn't see anything. After a few seconds I heard a flash and I was pulled back to that awful day. I was standing beside Mark, his dad taking the picture of us.
"Someday Dad will get one of them newfangled computers." The same look they gave me as my skin paled and my eyes remained wide open. Can I do this?
"I hope the flash didn't scare you, Max." He said with a chuckle, smiling over at Mark. I looked at the same picture in his hands, my heart aching. I snapped my head up when I heard the chilling ring of the phone in the hallway. I started to slowly shake my head as his dad walked over to it to answer it.
I stood by the fire, back facing them. I bit my lower lip to keep from crying, my eyes focusing on the flames licking at the logs beneath them. Williams talked to his wife, my heart hurting with each word he said..knowing it'd be his last. I looked down at the picture I was holding, blinking away tears. I threw it into the fire, turning to meet his dad.
He stood by the door, beyond that engulfed in white. I stood quietly beside Mark, my lips turned into a frown. The urge to stop him was almost unbearable. This man was walking to his death, and all I could do was watch. With heavy heart, I watched him walk into the blank misty white and disappear from my view. I bit my tongue to keep the cries from clawing their way out my throat.
I leaned against the wall, my eyes staring at the floor. What have I done? Letting out a small whimper, I covered my face in hands. Mark walked through the hallway, looking at me. His eyes softened and he cocked his head as he saw tears in my eyes.
"Max, you are being so fucking strange, like you're never going to see us again." My lip started trembling as I looked into his brown eyes.
"Mark, I'm so sorry..I tried to make things different for you..I did try..I'm sorry." My voice broke as more tears ran down my face. He looked confused, unable to exactly know what I was blubbering on about.
"I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but come on. You have made things different, like my whole life. You're my best friend." He grabbed my arms, pulling me close. He smiled that wonderful smile I haven't seen in years, making my whole body seem to hurt.
"I've got you and a great family. What's to be sorry for? We'll be best friends forever! And when we grow up we're taking over the world." I tried my best to compose myself, knowing exactly what was going to happen in a few minutes.
"Listen, whatever happens, I want you to be strong. Even if you feel like I wasn't there for you..because I will never abandon you, Mark. I'll always have your back. Always." I grabbed his hands and squeezed them tightly, both of us seeing how shaky I was being. Before I could get another word out, I was engulfed in white again.
I was going through all the pictures now. I watched them get burned and destroyed, now new ones arriving. They were sad, heartbreaking and angering photos. We were putting Mark back into his recent life. The one where Williams wasn't here anymore. Each picture made me weaker. I was ruining his life all over again, but he was alive.

I was in Mark's room again...

I was staring at a large board, all kinds of documents and screenshots posted all over the surface. Notes were scribbled next to them, pictures of Rachel and her father as well. I dropped the picture, slowly stepping backwards. I looked around, seeing his usual rock posters and vulgar drawings around the room. I slowly turned around, seeing him bent over working in his chair at his desk.
Mark was alive, he wasn't in a wheelchair anymore. He was okay. A smile lit up my whole face as relief flooded through my entire body. His music was playing in the background, his head bent towards whatever he was working on.
"Mark..you're alive. Yes!" I ran over to Mark, hugging him from behind and laughing. I hugged him tightly, pulling him and the chair out and burying my face in his neck.
"Whoa! Down, Max! You get one kiss and now you're all over me." He started laughing, both of us pulling away and him facing me. Oh god, his voice, his face, his eyes. I've never missed them so much.
"I'm just..im just...so glad you're here!" I placed one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand. Just feeling his hand made me realize he was actually here and he was safe again.
"You sound high, but thanks for the morning grope. Since we were up all night playing, "CSI: Arcadia Bay," I was still spaced out here, trying to put all of this info together." I rubbed my head, trying to remember even doing that with him last night.
"Max, did you forget we've gone over this? I hope you weren't messing around with time while I was sleeping." He turned back to his computer, typing away. I sighed, taking a deep breath in.
"Not anymore. I'm just spaced out, too." Welcome back to the real world, Max. I walked over to the board Mark and I have made, going over all the information we gathered. I turned back towards Mark after scanning the board.
"So close, yet so far away. We have to do three main things." Mark turned in his chair, giving his attention to me.
"Right...uh, what things?"
"One, decipher Frank's logbook. Two, get Nathan's phone to find out where he's been during the Vortex Club parties with Kate and Rachel. And see whatever hidden shit he's got in his messages."
"Three, beat step-douche down until he tells us about Frank, Nathan, and the "Dark Room." Too bad I don't have a gun anymore."
"Yes, that's the solution. Well have to do this on our own."
"Dude, at least let me kick his ass, then rewind-" He saw the look on my face and cut himself off, holding both of his hands up.
"Fine, whatevs, it's your power."
"Which I can't waste on shit like that. Or Blackwell would be in big trouble."
"At least you let me take that money to pay Frank off."
"Don't remind me. I just want him off your back. Our back."
"I know. You should get busy in the garage to see what dirt you can dig up. I'm going to cyberstalk some names and see where that leads, or to who. And be careful of Step-Crack. He's not going to be a happy camper after you reamed him yesterday, and Mom is giving him the boot."
"I'm on it, partner." I walked outside the room, everything quiet for now. I looked at his parent's door, afraid Step-Douche might be in there. Being as quiet as possible, I crept downstairs and into the hallway. Shit. I lift my head to see him standing there, looking at the family pictures hanging on the wall. I freeze, eyes widening. He looked over at me, his eyes instantly hardening with anger. He looked back to the pictures, seemingly ignoring me. Shit.
"You won this battle, Max. You broke up my family. I salute you." Ouch. His face broke and it showed pain, actual pain. He went to walk past me but I stopped him, I wasn't letting him blame this on me.
"David, I didn't try to hurt you. Ever. But I won't let anybody hurt Mark." I could hear the defense in my voice as I balled my fist and raised to his height.
"Too late, isn't it? You just better be damn careful with him. Don't you wander off into the dark." He walked out past me and through the door, leaving me by myself in the hallway. I rolled my eyes and ventured into the garage again, past the crumpled marriage photo and harsh letter Joyce left for David. Once I made it into the garage, the first thing I saw was the padlocked locker. It was very thick and heavy duty, almost like he was hiding something.
After finding a crowbar on the counter, I went back to the locker. After applying much force to the lock, it broke and flattered to the floor. Winner winner. I leaned in, pulling out a stack of papers. I gasped, seeing maps, notes, coordinates and picture of Kate and Nathan. Score! I placed them all back in the folder and into my bag. I closed the locker, smiling smugly to myself. Now, back to Mark. I went back to the bottom of the stairs, cupping my hands around my mouth.
"Yo, Mark, are you ready yet!? I have to get back to my dorm!" I watched him walk down the stairs, smiling at me.
"Are we happy?"
"Very happy. I hit the secret file jackpot! Kate, Nathan..and Rachel. Plus some location coordinated. David is, like, a one-man surveillance army. Now let's get the hell out of here before we get busted." He nodded, fixing his red beanie on top of his hair. Today was wearing a similar skull tank over his leather jacket. His blue jeans were ripped and his black suspenders hung from the belt.
"Now, lets go find out what Nathan is hiding in his room."
"We have to be extra careful."
"Max, now it's time for Nathan Prescott to be afraid of us." With that, we piled into his truck and took off for the dorms. We walked down the sidewalk towards the dorms, seeing students out enjoying the sun and nice weather. As we walked, Mr. Jefferson suddenly came out of one of the offices, turning his head our way. He smiled warmly, stopping in front of us.
"Hey, Max, how are you doing?"
"Oh, hi Mr. Jefferson. I'm doing okay. Um..and this is my friend Mark."
"Yo." That'd be the time I wanted to facepalm. Mr. Jefferson looked over at Mark, smiling.
"Mark, why isn't somebody as cool as you going to Blackwell?"
"I was way too cool for this school. It's a long story. In actual files here."
"I can imagine. Max, you sure you're all right?"
"It's weird just being on campus, like everything's normal."
"I know, lame as it sounds, life has to go on."
"I think there's too much going on in my life."
"On that note, Blackwell duty calls. Remember, I'm going to announce the winner of the "Everyday Heroes." contest tonight at the party, so I hope you'll be there to celebrate. Even though I'm sorry you didn't enter a photo, I understand your reasons. You can't force an artist to work."
"I feel like a total loser, but it's been a hard week to focus. No pun intended."
"I'm proud of you for caring so much about a troubled friend. And I take hope in that fact that you have plenty of time to find your way. Just get in the habit of putting your work out there."
"Thanks, Mr. Jefferson. I'll definitely be there tonight." Mark leaned against you, crossing his arms and smirking.
"Me too, I'll be Max's date. You better dance with us at least once." Mr. Jefferson chuckled a little.
"Nobody should have to see me dance. Plus, you don't want to watch an old hipster trying to keep up with the kids. I have some pride. Be seeing you." He gave us a wave before heading out of the gate and around the corner. Mark turned towards him, chuckling.
"Yes you will. Hot for teacher." He said, his smile growing. You shoved him playfully, shaking your head.
"Gross. You are out of control."
"Not yet. Just wait until rager tonight." I burst out laughing, shoving him again.
"Shut up."
"Don't be jealous because Mark Jefferson thinks I'm cool." I held back a smile, shoving my hand in his face and walking away.
"I am so ignoring you." He patted my shoulder and walked in front of me, his smirk taunting.
"Fine. Since I'm here, I'll see if I can get some dirt from Justin. I haven't talked to him in awhile."
"Now that is a great plan." I watched him walk away before looking around the campus. I have to find out where Nathan is. After getting some information from a teacher, I headed back to Mark. He was talking with Justin, looking over at me. They did a handshake before he walked back over to me.
"Coast is clear. It would be so cool if you and me were going to school here together."
"But now you can have Mr. Jefferson all to yourself."
"You suck. Now, let's get back into Blackwell Ninja mode." We walked into the boys' dorm, seeing it empty.
"So lame they don't have co-ed dorms here."
"Yes, because I want Nathan Prescott in the room next door."
"Good point." I placed my hand on his shoulder and motioned towards the door.
"Wait here. Give me the signal if Nathan or anybody shows up." He nodded, turning towards the door.
"I won't let you down, Bat-Max." I started walking down the hallway. Now I just have to find Nathan's room. After searching down the hallways and looking at the erase boards outside the room, I spotted the one and only Prescott room.
"THE PRESCOTT'S RULE THIS TOWN." Oh yeah, this was Nathan's. I looked around before jiggling the knob. After finding it locked, I spotted a fire extinguisher across the hall. Grabbing it, I raised it above my head and bashed it against his doorknob. After a few good hits, it loosened and I was able to step inside. The room was dark, only a few lights on. He had a projector on the ceiling, a slideshow of weird pictures being projected on the wall in front of me.
Eerie pictures hung on the walls and clutter formed on his desk. After searching through some, I found pictures of Mark. I gasped, my stomach churning. The first picture was him laying on the ground in a ball, his red hair a mess and his arms curled into himself. He looked broken and scared. Oh, Mark. I found his computer, turning it on and finding emails about tonight's party.
I also found the video of Kate he shared with everyone, my blood boiling with anger. I found more emails from his family and Principle Wells. His room gave me chills and a bad feeling. I was confused to see one of my selfies taped to his wall. What the hell. I spotted drag marks on the floor beneath the couch. Confused, I moved it to the side, spotting his cellphone taped to the couch. I smiled in victory, slipping it into my back pocket.
Leaving the other things alone, I headed out his door and jogged back to Mark. I didn't want to spend a second more in that room. He looked relieved as he looked at me, glancing out the window again.
"Damn, Max, you're finally back. I got worried. So what did you find?"
"His room was clean and creepy." I pulled out his phone and held it in front of us.
"Check this out." He smiled, tapping on the screen.
"Boom, Nathan. We got you by the balls, fucker." We both froze as we heard a door open and Nathan walking through. He stopped as well, looking at us. He pointed at me, glaring.
"What are you doing in my dorm!?" Mark started backing up, hiding the phone behind his back. Nathan's face grew angrier as he slammed he door and shoved his finger in his face.
"You are such a nosy bitch, Max!"
"Stop right there, Nathan!" He kept walking, his hands shooting out to grab me.
"Make me, hoe!" Before Nathan could lunge at me Mark pressed both hands on his shoulders and shoved. He tried getting again but someone came up and shoved Nathan further back. I looked up to see Warren standing beside me. His face was still beaten and bruised, but he scowled at Nathan.
"Max, I got this."
"Get the fuck out of my face." Warren grabbed Nathan by the shoulders and head butted him. The sound of two heads knocking together filled the room as Nathan went down. Warren groaned and held his pounding head. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands as Warren stumbled backwards. Nathan groaned on the ground, cradling his head.
"You are so fucking dead!" Nathan started reaching for something in his back pocket before Warren kicked his hand. A gun went flying to the wall, clattering to the ground. We all gasped at the sight, my eyes widening. Warren continued kicking Nathan, each kick harder than the last.
"Get off me, brah!" Mark and I watched as Warren aggressively beat the shit out of Nathan as he flailed on the ground. I reached out and grabbed Warren, pulling him away.
"Warren, stop it! Come on." Nathen rolled onto his butt, groaning and forcing himself to stand up.
"Ow..my head. Why are you all looking at me like that, huh? You..and you..you're all dead!" He got back up, scooping the gun up and pointing it at us. Warren pushed me back, standing firmly. He limped away from us, his gun pointed down. We all backed up towards the exit, my eyes locked on Nathan's.
"Plus my dad is on his way. You're all fucked! He owns you!" We all hurried out the door, his rants being heard as he went to his room.
"Damn, that was intense. Warren, thank you so much."
"For what?"
"For head butting Nathan Prescott. That was awesome."
"I don't know. I almost went crazy there..like Nathan." I leaned close and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"You're not anything like him."
"Good to know. So where are you going? I better stick with you guys. Just in case you need me to get my hulk on again. Or should I call the cops on Nathan?"
"No police. Not yet..uh..so maybe you better um.."
"Warren, me and Max have to do this on our own. No offense."
"It's cool, whatever I can do to help."
"What you can do is find out anything you can about Nathan's father."
"I'm on it. Between the snow and eclipse, I'm assuming the apocalypse is around the corner."
"And thank you, seriously. I'll call you later."
"You better. I'm feeling pretty alpha now."
"Yes, you are." He said goodbye and walked off, smiling smugly to himself. Mark looked over at me chuckling.
"Man, that guy is so fucking in love with you." I rubbed my face, sighing.
"I know."
"He really did give a serious beat down to Nathan."
    "It was a little scary to watch him do that."
    "Now let's make a date with Frank."
    "Will he even answer you?" Mark didn't answer as he pulled out the phone and started pressing buttons.
    "Frank always answers when he wants money." We both waited a few minutes as the text sent. Soon, we could both see the message pop up.
    "Like I said, Frank wants to see me right now."
    "Let's not keep him waiting..."

(I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATES! I have no time to just sit down and watch a play through and make sure the dialogue and scenes are accurate! You'll have to be patient with me with this book. XD)

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