Butterfly Effect (The End)

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"The end is never really the end..it's just the beginning."



    I lifted my head from the table, a quiet gasp escaping my lips. I looked around, internally groaning at the sight of Mr. Jefferson's classroom AGAIN. Mr. Jefferson was currently sat on a student's desk as usual, lecturing. I couldn't stand looking at the man. Not after what I learned what'd he'd do to me and Mark in that week.
    "Alfred Hitchcock famously called film, "little pieces of time," but he could be talking-" I'm back in class...what the hell?
    "-These pieces of time can frame us in our glory and our sorrow-" I have to listen to this Jefferson lecture again? This might be hell...
    "Now, can you give me an example of a photographer who perfectly captured the human-" I look over to see Victoria's phone buzz, Kate get hit by a flying wad of paper, and the same words come out of the Jefferson's mouth. I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. Okay, this is messed up..am I stuck in a time loop? Be calm and don't freak out yet.
    "-because of her images of hopeless faces. You feel like, totally haunted by the eyes of those sad mothers and children." While Victoria talked, I jumped in my seat at the sound of something banging against the window. I snap my head to see a crow that had willingly rammed into the glass. Spiderweb cracks crawled along the windows, more crows and birds flying headfirst towards us. I look around to see no one even startled by the bizarre and downright terrifying event.
    My eyes widened the more birds that covered the windows. It got to the point to where there was a shadow being casted into the classroom because of how blocked the window was becoming. Everyone else calmly did their thing, completely ignorant to what I was seeing. Blood splattered onto the windows, the sickening crack of bird heads making my stomach churn. As the last words of the lecture fell from Jefferson's mouth, the room was empty. I blinked, and everyone was gone.
    The bell rang, but there were no other students rushing to get out the door. Mr Jefferson wasn't there, but I could still hear the echo of his words. The bell continued ringing its shrill wine until it stopped abruptly. It left me with this piercing silence that rang in my ears. Have I totally fucked up time?
    I walked over to Kate's seat, tasting a sour taste on my tongue. My stomach did flips as I noticed a huge blood splatter on her desk, blood dripping onto the floor below. I sniffled, wiping the corner of my eyes as flashes of Kate's body were burned into my head.
   "I'm sorry, Kate." I whispered weakly, stroking the top of her desk with my fingertips. I found a note on the floor, with my name on it. I picked it up and unraveled it, reading the note in Jefferson's handwriting.

"Max, if you're reading this, it means you're DEAD.
Mr. Jefferson, XOXO"

    I shook my head and crumpled the note angrily in my fist. Not yet, you bastard. I started walking to the door, not sure of what my plan would be. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard that familiar sick voice behind me.
    "I see you trying to leave, Ms. Caulfield. Don't even think about leaving here until we talk about your entry. I froze, my hand inches from the doorknob. I gulped, turning around and slowly walking towards him with my head down. I look up, seeing him try to give me a warm smile.
    "I just wanted to know if...you'd like to spend the rest of your life in my Dark Room?" I did a double take as I tried my best to not let my mouth drop open.
    "Your purity inspires me so much..and we could be so happy together. Who needs selfies, when I can give you portraiture?" I weighed my options, my palms growing sweat.
    "It's about time somebody finally killed Mark..think of how many times that asshole almost got me killed. It's like you're doing both of us an awesome favor!" Mr. Jefferson seemed both shocked and happy at the same time as I said those words. I didn't mean them, I know I didn't mean one word I said.
    "Mark can never appreciate you the way I will..Maxine. And yes, I insist on calling you Maxine..forever." His voice dropped lower into almost a whisper as he locked eyes with me and smiled. Chills crawled up my back as I blinked and saw he was gone, vanished into thin air. I shivered, rubbing my arms and shaking my head. I took a deep breath, walking quickly to the door. I could see lockers outside as I pushed the handle forward. I gasped in shock as I opened the door to find myself in my dorm building.
    All the lights were off except for candles at every single dorm room, giving off a soft and yellow light. I walked down the hallway, hugging myself as I glanced at all the empty room accompanied by candles. I saw someone hunched over Kate's room. The closer I walked, the more I realized it was Kate herself. I reached out to touch her but I had a feeling I shouldn't. I kept my mouth shut as I watched her cry over her own picture. Roses were scattered and flowers placed over notes. She cried and cried as she touched them, touched her face in the framed picture.
    I walked down the hallway, only to hear her haunting cries become louder. I turned around to see her standing up, her hands covering her sobs as best as she could. I walked over now, cautious but anxious to talk to her.
    "Hey, Kate.." I whispered warily, seeing her stop crying and turn solemnly towards me. Tears were trickling down her cheeks but her mouth was firm and angry. Her red eyes were bloodshot and puffy, betrayal and anger clear.
    "Max, how could you let me jump off a roof?" I opened my mouth to talk but she had vanished. I gasped and turned around when I heard her talking behind me.
    "You were the only person I trusted here." She then poofed back in front of her door, her back facing me. I reached my hand out, my heart pounding in my chest.
    "But you never really listened to me. Now, I'm never going to Heaven." I jumped a little as she stood beside me, close enough to feel her breath on my neck. I shivered, staring at her door as tears welled up in my eyes.
    "Instead you've stuck me in Hell..alone forever.." I could feel her presence behind me as I shook my head and swallowed the cries coming up.
    "No, Kate, I was only trying to save you...." I choked out. She ignored me as she opened her dorm room, a blinding light surrounding inside of it. She held it open, not even looking back as she jumped into the air and fell..just like her death. I sobbed, closing my eyes tightly and waiting for the sound of her body to hit the cement. When it didn't, the door slammed shut and left me alone again. I walked towards it, wiping my face with my sleeve. I opened it slowly, realizing I must've been caught in a loop. I was back at the start of the dorm building again, back down the hallway.
    I decided to go to my room, seeing if anything would change. I could hear muffled voices in the walls but couldn't quite figure out who they belonged to. After opening my door, I was led once again back to square one. I tried opening every door now until I got a different outcome. I went down another hallway and found a key next to the shower room. It said it was for room 218, so that's where I ran to. After unlocking it, I stepped through and a flash went off.
    Once I could see again, the room was trashed with missing papers and I was dressed back in Rachel's clothes. I started hearing Mark's voice, it seemed to be coming from everywhere. I tried so hard not to lose my sanity, the small shred of sanity I had left. After opening another door, another flash went off. This time I was shocked to find out that I was..Victoria. I ran my fingers through my short blonde hair, looking down to see me in a skirt and heels.
    I ran to Victoria's room, hearing her breathe out pants instead of me. I shivered, opening her door before walking through. I was back to me again, Max. I found my room again and walked through. This time when I entered, I was in the school hallway. I could see students but they were walking backwards, and their voice was reversed as well. As if I hit rewind on a movie and I was watching it play back to the beginning.
    Everyone was backwards, and I felt myself walking to the wall. My leg lifted and rested against the lockers, my back leaned against it. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them in my ears, doing what I did that morning. As the music played, it even sounded reversed and backwards. I walked through the hallways, hearing their warped voices even through my music. I froze in my tracks once I saw the ghost deer in the middle of the lobby. It stared at me, begging with its eyes to follow it.
    I followed it to the girl's bathroom, a bright light seeping underneath the crack of the door. My stomach dropped, knowing where this was heading. I walked through, being consumed by the light. Except, I wasn't in the bathroom anymore. I was in a maze, a maze with Jefferson. I could see his flashlight bouncing off of the white walls surrounding me. How the hell did I get here?
    "Don't try to hide, Max..get over here..let me capture you!" Jefferson yelled, sneering into the shadows as he walked down the maze. When I tried to walk the other way, I realized there were several of them walking around in this maze. They all mumbled to me, all crazy and threatening words that cased shivers to crawl up my spine.
    After managing to escape the multiple Jefferson's, I hid behind a sign with my face on it as two large spotlights scanned the area. Suddenly, I could hear Principle wells speaking on an intercom.
    "This is Principle Wells and I'm here to stop the mic on Max Caulfield. Attention, I regret to announce that one of your fellow classmates, Max Caulfield, has died..." I left the area, now cautiously hiding myself between rows of lockers as I saw another flashlight. I was shocked to see it was Warren lurking the halls, looking for me. His voice was sinister and his remarks were chilling and not Warren. I avoided his flashlights, multiple Warrens now on my tail. There were so many voices going on, my head started to hurt. I heard Wells again somewhere nearby.
    "Ms. Price can't just show up at Blackwell in a wheelchair and think we're going to accommodate her every whim..." I sneaked further down the hall, avoiding all the bright lights and crazy friends and enemies. I started hearing voices from Nathan, Warren and Jefferson. I whimpered, sneaking through them and finding my way into the junkyard.
    I cursed under my breath as I saw more people and more flashlights. I finally made it to the lighthouse, their voices becoming small and unheard. I tugged at the door, noticing it locked and sturdy. I sighed, walking to the bench and sitting down heavily into it. Seconds afterwards, it started snowing fat flakes around me. The more it snowed, the more I noticed how fake they looked.
    I turned and looked, finally realizing why. I gasped, noticing I was..in a snow globe?! What have I done? I heard the muffled voices of someone and continued listening to them.
     "Don't you dare question the chef." Mark laughs next to his dad as they cook breakfast.
    "Right, like you're the real cook here."
   "I am when your mom is away."
    "I'll let her know that." As they cooked, I heard the phone go off again, a huge wave of dejavu hitting me. His dad went and answered the phone, having the same conversation he did before. As the dad tried to find his keys, I somehow flashed in front of me. It was young me, holding his set of keys in my hand. He left anyway, finding the spare as he told both of us the instructions. My phone vibrated in my pocket, startling me for a moment. I pulled it out, noticing it was from William.

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