Chapter One - You Got A Boyfriend

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"You got a boyfriend? A cute one -" the young man who she learned that his name was Finn and no last name asked.

"None of your business" she snapped and walked from the Falcon.

"Rey come on ! -"

"Finn seriously stop !" She barked and rubbed her wrist .

She kept to hidden , kept the simple little mark hidden on her wrist . She remembered hearing Lor San Tekka talk about marks while he was traveling one night near Niima Outpost.

"It's called a soulmate mark... when the planets were being formed and stars were being merged some split in two... the marks some have are from their soulmate ... you were once part of the star and your other half was the other part ... when you see and meet someone with a matching mark you know that they are yours and you are theirs.... they'll hold the key to your heart ... no matter what... your mark is the same as theirs ... same place , shape and size ... "


"You need a teacher ! I can show you the ways of the force !" Kylo Ren yelled to the young scavenger as she stood at the edge of a cliff , and their light sabers were beaming against one each other.

"The force ?" She closed her eyes and felt the power roam through her and the same voice she used to hear.

"The force is around you Rey, it flows throughout you , its in you , it's been in your blood since before you were born... may the force be with you"

She used her strength and pushed back and they continued to fight.


She didn't ... she shouldn't ... she couldn't ... but she did ... she turned back and looked at him , he was lying their in the snow , bleeding and breathing heavy .

She ran back inside the falcon and sighed ... Han was dead... Finn was unconscious... Chewie was heart broken and she was confused.

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