Chapter Six- Your Purpose Should Be Your Passion

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Rey was preparing for bed that night , her hair wet and damp as she braided it and looked out to the Stars and planets that were showing through her window.

She sighed , Kylo fucking Ren was her soul mate. She sniffled and pulled the soft blue nightgown she was wearing over her toes .

She didn't hear the door open but she felt his force signature . She turned her head to see him , wearing dark colored robes .

"Um... general Organa said she will send a shuttle to collect you in a handful of cycles ..." he said and then made his way to the door.

"That's it then ?" She asked.

"What ?" He asked her as he turned around to face her .

"That ... that the next time I see you it will be on a battle field ... or when I'm hanging off a cliff or one of us is the other prisoner" Rey said from her window seat.

"That's the way you want it to be -"

"You're not even going to fight for me?" She asked and immediately regretted her words.

"You don't want me too..." he said and walked out.

"You know " she began and he stopped in his tracks "I used to dream about the day the person I was meant to be with would come and sweep me up in their arms and kiss my face and tell me they love me ... they would take me away and protect me ... not threaten to kill me or call his mother to get me " she sighed .

"I used to dream that my soulmate understood me and could see me more than the freak I am" he told her from where it's standing.

"Are you ... going to get the mark removed ... I think I might... just so that no one will know" she rubbed her wrists .

"No" he said and she looked up at him . He was standing next to her bed leaning against the pole.

"What ?!" She asked and stood up "take it off !" She walked to him "why would you want this constant reminder?!"

"I have the greatest scars from my battles on me ... this one would be the mark to show that I failed " he said.

"You failed why would you want that on your body?" She asked.

"Because Rey" he took a step to her "There is no peace only passion , hate leads to anger ... anger leads to suffering and suffering is the way of the Sith" he said.

"You're not a sith... your eyes are not yellow Kylo... they're black... like the rest of your dark features"

"I'm sorry I'm not the blonde haired blue eyed tan skinned gentleman you wished for ... but your not the woman I asked for either -" she could just sense the sarcasm.

"No ... the woman you wished for was blonde haired and green eyed with fair skin like you and a full chest with no defined muscles on her who was at your beck and call who was born and raised a princess !" She snapped at him. "News flash Oh might Prince Benjamin Bail Amidala Skywalker Organa Solo ... I AM of royal decent too !"

"What -"

"My grandmother was a duchess while my mother and father where king and Queen ... my siblings were princes and a princess ! And at least my home Kalevala is around still !" She barked .

"We're on Naboo Rey ... my biological grandmother was Queen here ... "

"And you're the Supreme Leader of the First Order aren't you ?" She asked and he nodded . "Here's a new flash Kylo Ren ... if you want your precious little Empire to be in control then kriffing fight for it ! Fight for your damn passion ! Fight for what you know you're meant to do and be ... fight , die trying just don't take lives of those who are fighting for your own ... your purpose should be your passion !" She said and pointed to the door "leave"

He looked her up and down , her head was hung and looking at her feet while her arm was stretched and her finger was pointing to the door .

He walked out and slammed her door shut , leaving her in the room alone .

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