Chapter Eleven- I'm Dying

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After 4 cycles they were settled into their hotel room in a cloud City. "It's beautiful" she said looking out of the window.

"Follow me " Kylo said and she gave him her hand and he lead her to the balcony .

The clouds floated all the way down to their balcony and Kylo took her hand . "Try and touch it" he said .

She tried and failed "now use the force" he said .

She put both of her hands out and closed her eyes . "Nothing's happening" she sighed.

Kylo moved himself behind her and put his arms around her his hands under hers that were out flat in front of them . "Close your eyes" he said into her ear and she shut them . "Focus on the object ... the cloud think of how it looks , how it smells how it sounds ... think of what it is ... focus all your energy on the cloud."

She breathed in and leaned against his chest as she concentrated on the task at hand.

She opened her eyes to see the cloud in her hands. "There you go" he said and she smiled .

"We're doing it !" She laughed.

"No Rey you are..." he breathed in the sweet scent she naturally gave off and kissed the crown of her head.


She curled into their bed alone as he was working on some holo. The lights were off when he walked into the bedroom.

He wrapped his arms around her and brought a blanket to her "it's freezing in here and you're cold sweetheart"

"Please let go of me" she said and he did just that.

"Rey what's wrong ? Did I over step - or did I -"

"No... please Kylo" she sniffled .

"You were crying ... Rey what's wrong?" He asked her in the dark.

She crawled to the edge of the bed and looked at him and wiped a tear "I'm dying Kylo"

"What ?!" He asked and moved to face her .

"I'm dying" she cried into her hands "my stomach hurts so bad ... and everything is sore and I've done nothing ... and ... I'm bleeding" she sobbed at him.

"Rey -"

"I'm bleeding between my legs ... and it hurts and ... it's so sore and I'm dying ... I'm sorry" she cried into his shoulder.

Kylo ran his fingers through her hair as she cried on his shoulder . His heart was breaking - "what did you say you're bleeding between your legs ? Where your thighs split so you can use the bathroom ?"

"Yes ! There's a cut and it's bleeding and it's been bleeding for three days ..."

He smiled and let out a breath of relief "that's your period Rey" he told her brushing back some of her loose hair.

"My what ?!" She asked tears still streaming out of her eyes still.

"You're period sweetheart... it means that you can have children -"

"Then why would I bleed ?" She asked.

Kylo thought about this , remembering all the things he had read in medical journals back when he was younger and interested in force healing although he was rather bad about it.

"A period is when a woman's body releases tissue it no longer needs. This tissue comes from the uterus, which is where a baby can develop in the female body. Every month or so, the uterus lining gets thicker to prepare for a fertilized egg if the woman becomes pregnant... does this make any sense ?" He asked her

"Not really ..." she sniffled slightly .

"Okay ... If the egg doesn't get fertilized, that lining is released from the body as blood through the vagina. This monthly process is called menstruation or a period. So when a girl has her period, her body is just getting rid of a small amount of blood and some unneeded tissue. It is a natural, normal body process for all females as they become women and mature physically." He told her his hands brushing back her hair every couple words.

"Well then why does it hurt ? If it's just flowing out ?" She asked .

"Because uterine contractions cause most of the pain felt during menstrual cramps because the contractions inhibit blood flow to the lining of the uterus . In addition, substances known as leukotrienes are also elevated during menstruation, and they may be the cause of menstrual cramps." He told her .

"So I'm not dying ?" She asked.

"Not even close sweetheart but it may feel like it ... if it's hurts let me know okay ? I'll try and help as best as I can"

"It keeps going through my clothes Kylo" she sighed "what do I do ?" She asked.

"I'll have them bring up some droids with pads ... I think you may want to wait a little while till you would like to use tampons okay?" He said getting out of bed .

"Okay..." she nodded.

"I'll draw you a nice warm bath and then I'll have them bring up some stuff okay sweetheart?" He asked .

"Okay" she said and he went to the bathroom to get her bath ready.

I AM A SUCKER FOR KILLING SUPREME LEADER KYLO drawing Rey a bath and teaching her about her period and comforting her ... if you guys know any other FICS or you have written that send me the link or tag me ...



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