Chapter Thirteen- The Generals

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They were back on Naboo when Leia arrived . It was scary and nerve racking for both of them.

Leia threw her arms around Rey when she saw her and Rey took her hug quickly.

"You're a foolish silly girl" Leia chuckled as she held the younger taller woman in her arms. "But so was I" she said and squeezed her.

Rey removed herself from Leia's grasp and stood next to Kylo. What happened next was unthinkable .

Leia stood to her son , meeting his eyes and sighed . She slapped his face and he looked down.

Within a moment he had grabbed her by the waist and hugged his mother . He crouched down so he could bury his face in his mother's neck like he did as a child .

Leia smoothed his back and hair , petting her son softly . "I'm sorry" Rey heard him whisper to his mother.

"Ben" she said back , not letting go of her son.

"I'm sorry for everything..." and suddenly Leia' shoulder was now drenched with her son's tears.

"I know you are" she sniffled "and ... I love you Ben ..."

"I love you too mother " he was holding onto his mother for dear life .

"Benjamin Bail Amidala Skywalker Organa Solo... you've been gone from home for so long" she sighed.

"I'm sorry mother"he sobbed in her arms "I'm horrible and ... I've been consumed by the darkness too long"

"Benny" she pulled him so she could see his face . "I know ... and I still love you and your father loves you wherever he is"

"Mother I want ... I want to be better" he said and he let go of his mother and went to grab Rey's hand . "I want to be better ... mother " he showed her Rey's wrist . "Rey and I have the same mark..."

"I know Ben" she sighed and smiled.

"How did you know ?" Rey asked her hand now holding Kylo's.

"When you came to the base ... because Luke saw your mark ... he thought it looked similar and he told me ... I found out and a we kept it from you... we didn't ... we wanted you to be safe and at least complete your training ..."

"So you knew ?" Rey asked.

"Yes ... please don't be mad-"

"Leia I -"

"We're not mad " Kylo squeezed her hand "it's okay... we understand" Kylo let go of her hand and grabbed his mother's hand and pulled Rey and hugged both of them.


Leia and Kylo had been talking for about three hours and she has already heard two doors be slammed , a vase slammed and a disturbance in the force.

She walked out of her quarters and walked to the kitchen to see General Hux.

"Hux" she said.

"Kenobi" he sneered back at her.

"That's Princess Kenobi to you" she smirked and grabbed a cup to fill it with water.

"You know ... since you've been here he's been more ... pleasant"

"Thank you ... I guess" she said and grabbed a tea bag.

"Why though ? Why has he just ... chosen you ? I mean ... there are other woman in the First Order whom have a higher ranking and more Shapley then you so -"

"Why ?" She asked "why do you care ?" She asked as she stirred in some honey into her tea.

"Well ... Rey, he said it seems ... I mean ... he hasn't - "

"I just would like to know for you -"he grabbed her a napkin so she could wipe off the leftover tea water off .

"Like for me to know what General ?" She asked.

"If ... if he's every too much ... I can get you out of here ... I can get you to the Finalizer where he has no control and just because he's Supreme Leader ... I'm not afraid of him and I know how hard it could be for a young woman ... and I mean she ... you -"

"What are you even trying to say ?!" She asked.

Hux walked over to her and then kissed her on the lips . She pulled away from him .

"Hux !"

"I know ... I can take you away , you wouldn't have to fear him and I -"

"I need to leave" she said and walked out of the kitchen with her tea in her hands and tears in her eyes.



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