Chapter 3: Revealing

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Chapter 3: Revealing


“Mikey, you can come out now, Luke’s gone,” I knocked on his door. No reply. There was only the sound of his guitar. “Come on Mikey, stop being such a baby. You’re gonna have to face me some time sooner or later.” Still no reply. “Come out of here or I’m going to call each and every one of your friends and make a scene.” The guitar stopped but the door still didn’t open. “Fine. Alright, I’m calling Ashton…” I paused so it was like I was calling Ashton. “Hey Ashton! I was wonder-“

The door swung open and revealed a gloomy Michael.

“What do you have to say?” he growled.

“Look, I know it’s always unsettling to find out your sister’s going out with one of your friends – I’ve watched enough movies and TV shows to understand that – but I really like Luke and I think he does too, so can you be a supportive older brother instead of a gloomy dick?”

“You’re not helping with the situation you know.”

“I know, sorry, but please?” I looked at him hopefully.

“You really like him?”


“And he likes you too?”

“I think so.”

Michael’s shoulders sagged in defeat. “Fine, okay. But don’t think I’m doing it for you.”

“So you’re doing it for Luke?”

Michael thought about it for a few seconds. “Okay, maybe I’m doing it for you, because I have now gone back to hating that douche.”

I rolled my eyes. “Why can’t you just admit that you don’t and never hated him? I mean I can understand why he hated you, you’re always annoying, but there’s nothing to hate about him.”

“And he’s not annoying as shit?”

“Luke is waaaaay better than you! At least he doesn’t have your stupid chip habit – no actually sorry, no one has your stupid habit.”

“Just shut up once and for all.”


Is it safe to come over?

I hastily texted Luke back.

Yeh its fine, he won’t kill u

I poured milk into my cereal and then sat down at the island and chewed my breakfast slowly. It was like rubber in my mouth. I was nervous to go to school today, Luke and I were making it ‘official’ to everyone and I had no idea how people were going to react. I told Jen and Derek last night and they both had different reactions.

“Hold on! Does that mean you’ve given up on Calum? That’s ridiculous! I thought you were a dedicated person! You say you like one thing and you focus on one thing, you hardly ever give up!” Derek exclaimed over the phone.

“There was nothing I could do about it, Calum’s already got somebody. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Luke asked me out, so I said yes.”

Meanwhile, Jen had very different opinions.

“Oh my god really?! Good for you El! It’s really about time no offence, but you were really just hurting yourself by not giving up. Luke’s really hot, so you’ve scored big time and you can really just rub it in Calum’s face!”

“I’m not rubbing anything in anyone’s face Jen.”

I sighed. If my two best friends had had such big reactions, I didn’t know how the rest of the world would react. Michael came downstairs and pushed his long fringe away from his eyes.

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