Chapter 6: Asking

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Chapter 6: Asking


One month. It’d already been one month and still there was no progress with Calum. True the rumours had died down and barely anyone was talking about us anymore but I was seriously hoping that something would’ve happened by now. Despite the fact that everyone actually believed Luke and I were going out, there was one person who knew the truth.

Ashton somehow got the truth out of us. Actually, he’d tricked me to confess it. 

“How is it going between you two?”

“Gosh you sound like a girl and gossiping with me about my relationship,” I said.

“Hey come on, I’m just trying to be a good friend, because it looks like you two are too distant to be in a… relationship.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well due to my perfect timing, I’ve walked in on all the other boys making out with someone except for you two.”

“That just means we conceal well,” I said, the same time I pictured Luke and Calum and worst of all, my brother, kissing someone.

Ashton leant closer and lowered his voice slightly. “Luke told me everything though.”

“Told you what?” I asked nervously.

“You know, what you’re doing this for.”

I probably should’ve known he was bluffing but guilty conscience swept over me.

“Luke promised he wouldn’t tell! He made me keep it from my best friends, but he goes and blabs it to you!”

Ashton grinned broadly. “So there is a plan behind this? This isn’t just an ordinary relationship is it?”

I stared at him blankly, realising I’d been framed. “It’s not even a real relationship,” I muttered. Ashton grinned even wider. I just wanted to punch the dimples off his face (I could get pretty violent). “You’re a right foul git you know that?”

“An excellent time to start quoting Harry Potter,” Ashton nodded.

“Can’t believe you framed me,” I retorted.

“I’m just trying to get the truth out of you. So? Care to spill the beans?”

Luke chose that time to come out of the studio.

“What are you two talking about?”

“Elaine was just about to spill the beans about your fake relationship,” Ashton said oh-so-casually.

“You told him?” Luke whirled around to me.

“I’m sorry! He framed me!”

“You shouldn’t have given in! We agreed not to tell anyone!” Luke whined.

“The next time you mess up something I’ll say the exact same thing to you,” I snapped.

Luke opened his mouth to say something but he stopped when Ashton started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“You two are literally bickering like an old couple, not two high school students in a fake relationship.” Luke and I shrugged our shoulders at each other. We waited patiently for Ashton to calm down. “So can you two explain?”

Luke sat down on the couch and we explained to Ashton the full story. He promised not to tell anyone and agreed to help us whenever we needed. In a way it was a lot easier to have three in a plan than two.

Ashton was already in on the idea and yet, there was still basically no progress. However, Ashton articulated the fact that apparently Calum stared at me a lot whenever when I was with the rest of them. I really had to believe the oldest guy in the band and his instincts.

I couldn’t really blame anyone about our progress thought. It was partially my fault and I never wanted to do anything very extreme. I was in no way a risk-taker.

“Where’s your brother?” Jen asked me as I got into her car.

Her mum was driving her to school today and offered to drop me off at school too.

“He’s probably at the airport right now. He and Luke, Calum and Ashton are going to Auckland.”

“Wow, lucky. They get to miss out on school.”

“Seriously? That’s what you think about? I’m just jealous that my brother gets to go on Auckland to perform a show. He’s bloody opened for Hot Chelle Rae and Cher Lloyd, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out who’s the luckier sibling.”

“Never lose hope Elaine. You’ve still got a long time ahead of you,” Miranda said.

“Thanks Miranda,” I smiled at Jen’s mother.

We arrived in front of the school.

“Have a good day you two,” Miranda called through the window.

“Thanks for driving me to school today.”

“It was no problem darling.”

“Bye mum!”

Jen and I split temporarily to go to our lockers and then met up again at our home room. “How is everything with Luke recently? I haven’t heard you talk a lot about him lately,” Jen asked.

“Oh everything’s still the same, nothing special really. Just how serious can a relationship get at this age?”

“You’ll be surprised young one,” Jen said with a ‘wise’ voice.

She was the absolute relationship guru. Whenever you have any relationship problems or need relationship advice, Jen was always the one to go to. Derek and I often joked that she should just replace the school counsellor. Hearing her say those words made me remember my constant weird tingly feelings whenever I was close to Luke.

“Um… Jen, is it possible to have a crush on two people at the same time?”

“Why? Ooh, do you have a crush on someone besides your boyfriend? Is it Calum? Oh my gosh do you still like him?!”

“Sheesh, I asked one question and I didn’t even say it was me,” I said, regretting I ever opened my mouth.

“Then who has a crush on two people?”

“Um, no one, I was just wondering.”

“Well, I can’t say I’m a pro-“

“You are,” I interjected.

“Okay whatever, but I think people can. I mean like there’s all those movies and TV shows where people fall in love with two people and stuff, so I guess it is possible to have a crush on two people.”

Derek plopped himself down. “You two finished with your girly talk yet?”


“Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with you two.”

“Maybe because it’s coz you’re socially awkward.”

“No less than you,” he responded smoothly.

 Derek and Jen started talking and I got lost in my own thoughts. I knew I liked Calum. I would always find excuses to talk to him, look at him, but lately I’d been doing the same with Luke too. I would always be staring at him and watched his every movement perfectly. I’d been looking at the way he walked, the way he spoke, the way he played the guitar. I knew the way his hand felt against mine, the way our hands moulded together perfectly. Was it really possible that I was falling for Luke too?


Shorter chapter than the others but I hope it was alright :)

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