Chapter 13: Confessing

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Chapter 13: Confessing

Seriously just go tell him the truth, get ur way out of this

I stared at Derek’s text and wondered if I should actually follow his advice. He did give me better advice than my own elder brother. ‘But you can listen to yourself too, you don’t always have to listen to Derek’ a voice said in my head. That voice had a fair point, but the problem was, I didn’t know what I wanted to do.

In movies and TV shows this was the part where the main character goes to the school counsellor, but I did not want to make this anymore movie-like than it already was. The best thing to do was to just to go and tell everyone including Calum the truth and get myself out of this mess. Whatever happens then, happens.


“Mikey I need to tell you something.”

“Can’t you wait until I’ve finished this round?” he asked, not even peeling his eyes away from he TV.  "Or you can join me," he nodded at the spare controller still not tearing his eyes away.

"I'm good, I'll just wait until you're done."

"I won't listen to what you have to say until you play."

"I'm not good at it though."

Michael paused the game. Miraculously. "Okay, I may have been a bad brother in some ways -"

"Pfft, that's an understatement," I cut in.

"I may have been a bad brother but I did not teach my sister to be a horrible gamer. And I know I did a good job teaching you coz you fucking beat Calum at Fifa."

"That was fluke. You wanna see how much I really suck?"

I changed the game (because I was in fact pretty good at Fifa) and picked up the controller.

"STOP PUSHING RANDOM BUTTONS!" Michael roared. "Great, you fucking made me die," he said bitterly.

"What did I do?"

"You were pushing random buttons and it distracted me!"

"Yes Mikey that is a very valid reason for how you died," I said sarcastically. "Now that you've died and I've proved you wrong can you please listen to what I have to say?"

Michael nodded curtly, still looking pretty pissed at his death. I explained everything to him, well, what was necessary for my brother to know anyway.  How Luke and I weren’t really dating and how I really had a crush on Calum. Even though I was missing out extremely big gaps in the story, it still took a while to explain.

By the time I was finished, Michael had completely forgotten about his controller and was paying full attention. It was a real surprise that he actually gave me his full attention. If only he paid this much attention usually.

“So that whole time I was thinking my friend was betraying me by going out with my sister, he wasn’t really?”


“But that doesn’t make sense. When I asked him if you two were serious he was saying all this crap how he really likes you and everything.”

I stomach lurched. Had he really said that?

“He was probably just going along with everything.”

“And so you two thought you would just keep all of that from me did you?”

“I told you, we thought it would be better if no one knew the truth.”

“But you said Ashton knew.”

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