Chapter 8: Oversleeping

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Chapter 8: Oversleeping


“Guys what’s going on?” I groaned, when there was a loud crashing sound with a whole lot of swearing following it.

“Sorry guys. I was trying to get back to my sleeping bag, but Michael’s feet were in the way,” Ashton’s voice came somewhere. “You know what? I’m gonna go sleep on the couch downstairs.”

“Where’s Cal?” Michael asked groggily.

“He went to sleep downstairs. He said your snoring was keeping him awake.”

“Right, well I’m going to the bathroom.”

I heard the door close and tried to fall back asleep again, I was really tired.

“You awake?” Luke asked.

“Yeah. There’s not much chance to make it through that crash without waking up, even Michael woke up.”

Luke laughed. We stayed quiet for some time, I racked my brain to think of something to say but my brain wasn’t functioning. There was another clap of thunder and I whimpered.

“Are you okay?” Luke asked.

“Yeah, just scared of the thunder,” I admitted.

Luke stood up and then slid into the bed next to me. I froze slightly. His hand touched mine gingerly before he wrapped his hand around my hand properly and I relaxed. I didn’t complain, it made me feel safe, slowly I fell asleep again once again, smiling.


Luke hovered over me, and even though I couldn’t see his face I knew he was grinning. I kept my eyes squinted shut and tried to ignore him. This proved impossible when Luke started tickling my neck gently. I giggled and finally opened my eyes. I was looking directly into Luke’s amazing blue sapphires that were his eyes.

He stopped tickling and had a little smirk playing on his lips. He leant down and kissed me gently on the lips then he nuzzled his face in my neck.

“I love you.”


I awoke with a start. Alright, what the hell was going on here? First giddy, swooning sensations whenever Luke held my hand or hugged me, then jittery butterflies in my stomach last night and now this dream. I really had to tell someone about this. I could tell Ashton, he was the only one who knew about me and Luke. Even though we weren’t exactly best friends, but over this we’d become a lot closer. But even so, I couldn’t exactly picture him giving good advice. He might just giggle and say I'm falling for Luke too, which I wasn't... was I?

I was only aware then that I only had one hand in use. My left hand was still wrapped between Luke’s hand. There didn’t seem to be any other movement in the room. I lifted my head slightly and saw Michael still sprawled in his sleeping bag, dead in his sleep.

My phone was sitting on the bedside table and making sure I didn’t break away from Luke’s grip, I clumsily managed to get my phone in my hand. Jen’s text leapt up in front of my eyes.


I unlocked my phone slowly and replied her, saying I was at Luke’s house and if she could come and get me.

On my way

My eyes slid over to the time.

“OH SHIT! GUYS GET UP! WE’RE LATE FOR SCHOOL! REALLY LATE!” I pulled myself from Luke’s grip and jumped out of bed.

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