Full Moon

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[I found a song related to the story, listen to it while you would like to]

These nights were always really hard to handle. My family has left me to stay in our cabin alone for the night. I was completely unarmed, the only thing I had with me was a gun and nothing else. It's a risky decision and trust me, I'm really terrified. I've heard only a few are able to survive a night. By looking at the thing I'm holding right now, I'd say that I might not see the sunrise again after this. I'm just hoping that no pack of wolves are out there waiting for me to sleep.

I hug my knees as I placed down the gun beside me. I stare into the flames of the bonfire infront of me. My friends and family use to just sing together around this to relieve us from anxiety. It always worked on everybody, you'd always know that they are there. But right now, I'm alone in this cold night, wishing and longing for some company until one of my family comes back from there hunt in the mountains.

Nights are cold..

Days age old..

It's coming too soon..

On the next Full moon..

I shoot my eyes wide open hearing a few footsteps coming closer to my direction. Twigs breaking and my heavy breathing are the only things I could here. I silently looked around as my hand inches to my gun beside me. I'm being careful not to try and cause too much movement or noise- or it's confirmed I wouldn't see the next sunrise afterwards.

My breath was really unstable and I wanted to run. My knees were quivering so much that it would run up to my fingers making my touch tingle. My hands brushed lightly against my weapon as I gripped and pulled it up making it shake and the bullets inside made a sound the wolves would definitely want to find and kill who ever holds such.

Good thing I knew that fact. Once I heard the bullets shake inside my eyes moved over to my front. Out of no where a creature with dark fur came out. It's teeth sharp, ready for them to devour me whole. I rolled out of my place bumping onto a tree. I looked up and stare onto the wolf, and so did it look at me. Growling and barking as it paced closer to me.

The mouth intimidated me the most, it was terrifying to be helplessy sitting there with a beast crawling closer to you. Eyes shot red and it's claws dug to the ground deep leaving marks as it came closer and closer.

My hands reached over to my gun as I pointed at it as quick as ever, threatening it that I'd shoot it to death. My eyes lock onto it watching it back off a little. I should have taken further notice, before I decided to pull down my gun.

It jumped on me locking me down underneath it. It barked and growled into my face. It's teeth sharp and ready to bite my head off. I looked around to see where my gun had flew to. It was a meter away and if I act steady I might as well be ready to take it before this animal eats me. It breathed out to my face as it hopped away from me. I was confuse yet thankful it ran along, only for me to discover it taking my gun in it's mouth.

I stood up about to take it away from it, but the closer my hand got, the louder it growled with it's teeth showing up. I backed away intimidated for any further actions to be caused by this beast towards me. But I couldn't just let it have my belongings, that just shows I'm weak.

I sighed and I used my hands to show that I wasn't going to hurt it or do anything to scare it off. The growls grew louder as the wolf pounces to me knocking back against the tree. I held onto the gun which I was able to take when it jumped on me. But I can barely shoot when it's the only thing I can use to keep this monster away anywhere near me.

I was able to gather enough strength to push it off as I picked up my feet running fast away from the wolf before it starts to lock me down again. As I thought I was far enough, I hid behind a tree to take breath and tried to look around to see if ever the wolf was still following me. From my behind it looked like it wasn't but as I was deciding to head back to my camp, I heard a howl.

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