Mix tape

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Fionna groaned against the telephone slamming it back down to end her conversation with the Candy Prince. She looks back at cake who was impatiently waiting for her response about his call.

"So?" She fiddles her fingers together. "What kind of emergency is it?"

"It's a lame mission, Cake." She grunted as she dragged her feet out of their house, grabbing her golden sword beside the door. "I mean, who on Glob would think that arranging Gumball's old trash is a mission or either an emergency?!"

"Be real Fionna," she nods walking out the door with her. "Gumball has too much time in his hands that he can't take care of other things. Besides we might find something good under his old trash. Possibly his.." she points out to Fionna waiting for her to finish her sentence.

"Baby photos!" She giggles.

Cake had a point, sorting through Gumball's old things would be fun. They'd probably find a part of Gumball's past worth laughing about. Not that they wanted to make fun of him or anything.

They reached the candy kingdom, wondering around the castle. There attention was caught up to the tiny Butterscotch butler. She waves at them signaling to follow her, leading them out to a open garage behind the castle.

"There sure is a lot of things in here." Fionna looked around kicking a few pieces away from her feet.

"Indeed." Gumball appeared infront of them from a few piles of assorted books.

"Since when did you have a thing for punk rock, G?" Cake pulls out a old CD from no where, raising it up and closer to his face with her arms stretched.

Gumball takes it away from them and throws it away somewhere far. "Nonsense. That was a gift, that I didn't like."

"But you said you liked it!" Marshall appears behind him his hands over his shoulders, looking back to the CD he threw away.

"Marshall!" Fionna squealed and raised her arms waiting to receive a high five from her old friend.

Marshall signaled that he didn't want to do what Fionna was wishing for and turns his head back to Gumball. "I thought you liked the Beded Bones. You use to play them every morning! We're you listening to it out of pity?" He frowns.

Gumball opened his mouth to speak but was cut with Cake interrupting, while she was staring on the framed photos piled up together. "I didn't expect a candy prince to listen to punk rock." She giggles passing Fionna framed photos. "Here, check it out. Pg is on the stage."

Fionna widens her eyes seeing such a decent prince on stage. "Woah!" She squeals checking the other photos.

"Ah-" Gumball yells taking the photos from her hands. "That's not me!"

Marshall chuckles with his hands over his shoulders peeking closer to his face. "Ahw.. Why? Can't accept that you like punk rock?"

"Oh look! A bunch of mixtapes." Cake comes out with a bunch of boxes in her arms shaking it up and down as she jogs towards them.

"Oh please, not that." Gumball begged noticing what was in those boxes.

They were a bunch of recorded songs he and his band mates had. It wasn't his passion to sing on stage, but everytime he stood up there, somehow something in him craved the attention and the people screaming out his name.

Few years ago, not long when he just met Marshall, they use to do a lot of things together. Back then he was less busy than what he was today, therefore he was practically free for the whole day. He had time to be with people he wanted to hang out with. And that includes Marshall.

He was invited to one of their concerts one time anf he was pulled up to the stage, people knowing that he was the lead singer's lover.

People screeched and squealed seeing him being with his vampire boyfriend. Marshall traveled his hands around his waist dropping his bass as his lips met his. He chuckles in between their kiss, knowing how embarrassing it was to be seen like that on stage. Regards to the fact that he was already known as being a prince.

People thought it was ironic that they were together back then. Seeing a demon with a candy prince was unexpected, but they were real. They loved each other so much, they never missed out a day without each other.

But some how time made them separate from one another. Gladly they made their way more convenient as they met again once in awhile. They use to go out a lot of times again, but nonetheless they knew they still wanted each other.

"So, wait.." Fionna scrunched her nose thinking as she looked up at the two males infront of her. "Gumball use to be in a band with you?" Fionna points at Marshall.

"Unbelievable, isn't it?" Marshall chuckles with his low deep voice looking back down at the man beside him.

"Yeah, it was nothing big -" Gumball was interrupted.

"Oh.. yeah it was big. He was the life of every concert. You should hear him sing." He floats in front of Gumball blocking him from Fionna's view.

"Please no." Gumball pops his head over Marshall's shoulder, shaking his head no.

"Too late." Cake smirks pressing the play button of a mix tape player nearby.

Marshall sent out a very convenient laugh beside Gumball nudging his shoulder in the process.

~I got a sweet tooth for licorice drops and jelly rolls~

All Gumball could do was drop his face onto his hands hearing his voice coming from the song playing.

~Hey Sugar Daddy..~

Fionna and Cake turned their faces back to Gumball. Their jaws dropping, hearing everything Gumball was saying in the song.

"This?.." Cake points at the player. "This is..you, G?"

"That's him." Marshall snickered with his eyes pointing at Gumball, who was already curling up hearing the same song over and over again.

When the candy kingdom was still new and young, Gumball's songs use to be practically everywhere. Everyday it was daily played on the streets of the kingdom. Usually everybody went crazy with it and sang the lyrics as loud as they could.

"Oh! Wait.. wait for it.." Marshall shushed everyone and attentively listened to the song making everyone do the same too.

~It's the sweetest taste I've known..~

"No, Marshall..please." Gumball pleaded.

~Oh yeah..~

Marshall pumped his fist. "Never missed that line, gets me everytime."

"Wow." That was the only thing Fionna said as she continued to listen to the song.

Cake just had her mouth open listening to the Prince of the candy kingdom with this considered to be vulgar song. Regards to the fact she was old enough to understand the main idea of the song.

"Okay, that's enough." Gumball popped the mix tape out the player and threw it on the trash bin.

"Hey!" Marshall raised his hands in the air.

"I can't listen to it anymore." Gumball turns back to them with his arms crossed over one another.

"Oh my Glob." Lsp flew out from no where. "I had it recorded. This is totally going to be played on the Candy Radio tonight."

Hey yo! This song is entitled "Sugar Daddy" by Neil Patrick Harris. What else than get a song from the voice actor himself? Okay, I'm out!

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