Chapter Two: Daddy Depp

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A/N: Merry - Happy - Chappie - New Years Eve...?

Yay ^.^ Any who, congrats on making it to New Year's Eve, gold star on your behalf ^.^

Any who... I'm a socially awkward person, so here we go! 

This chapter is 1665 words ^.^

~ Caitlin

Annabelle Davi's Point Of View





"What the fuck," I slowly tore my eye lids up and stared at the white wall in confusion, a TV placed right in the middle of it, "Where the - oh shit, I broke my nine months of not swearing thing" I groaned and stared up at the roof before I slowly tried to push myself up into the sitting position.

 "Okay, new slate with the swearing thing" I grumbled and rubbed my face before I looked down at myself, gathering from the machinery and hospital gown I was wearing, I am in fact in Hospital.

"Why the - oh..." I remember the entire 'date' I had gone on.

So... what now?

Someone walks through the door and I stared at him in confusion before it dawned on me it was my Dad, well, my 'adopted' Dad, "Why so glum chum?" I say as I slowly stretched out on my hospital bed.

"You're awake!" he grins and hurries over to me before he puts a bag and a foam cup on the table next to the bed and then hugged me as I still laid in my bed, "I'm so happy you are - you had me so worried!"

"What happened to James?" I asked instantly, wanting to know if I need to hired a security guy to be around me 24/7.

"Before or after I went into the apartment?"

"All of it...?"

"I went in and kick his ass before I heard you scream, making me kick the bathroom door down to find you on the floor unconscious. The police came before the neighbours heard you screaming, arrested James and he's been put behind bars for now. In six months you'll have to go on trial and then he'll be put behind bars for around twenty years or so"

"They won't put an attempted rapist behind bards for twenty years-"

"True, but they'll put an attempted murdered behind bars for two or so, if it was his first that is. He was in fact someone who has been on the run for quite a few years now, and it seems his past has finally caught up with him"

"... Wait, was that you yelling my name?"

"Yep" he grins sheepishly at me.

"How did you get there so quickly?"

"I may or may not have been driving back and forth in the street, scoping it out..."

"Why... why did I pass out?"

"Drugs have different effects on different people Anna, and the fact you were scared and having a panic attack as some guy coming after you put to much stress on you. I guess your brain just shut itself down because it couldn't cope with all the events forced into half an hour"

I sat there for a moment, letting it all sink in before I stretched, deciding to forget about it all, and eyed the bag, "What's in the bag?"

"Clothes and a muffin," we glanced at each other before he sighs, "I guess you can have it"

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