Chapter Ten: Blue Eyes

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- Anna's POV -

I screamed as the horse reared up and got ready to stamp me to a pulp when someone walked into the room, "Whoa! ANNA!" In a blink of an eye I get tackled out of the way and the horse huffs and stomps off in seconds.

Breathing in as I watched it sassily flick it's tail in my direction before it swayed away, leaving me a bit confused - oh yeah, "Why is there a horse in my house?" I turned and stared at Harry while he gives me a cheeky grin.

"Uh, well... You were asleep, and we found the liquor."

"...You didn't." 

"We did." He laughs, hugging me before he starts Eskimo kissing my nose.

"Dude, you smell like you've been swimming in the stuff." I scrunched my nose up in disgust and jerked my head away, only for him to face plant into my chest. Blinking straight ahead I looked down to see Harry asleep in my cleavage... that's one to tell the grand kids.

'Once grandchildren, Uncle Harry got drunk, let a bomb off in my house and kidnapped a horse before he fell asleep in my cleavage.'

"Harry, Harry, Harry, HARRY - oh for fuck sakes." I grumbled and shoved him off of me, he bangs onto the carpet and let's out a snore... "You sir, are an adorable idiot that the horse needs to stomp to a pulp for drinking alcohol I didn't realize I had." I rolled my eyes while I grabbed onto his ankles and dragged him across the floor - hopefully his carpet burn won't be too bad.

Dragging him onto a couch cushion I made sure he was okay before I put a shredded couch pillow on him like a blanket before I turned and ventured off to find the others.

"What the... no... no the fridge..." I almost burst into tears as I stared at the fridge that laid on it's side, dead. It was dead. It's insides were spilled out over the floor and I couldn't help but fall to my knee's, "NOT THE FOOD!" I screamed dramatically before I hugged the skeleton of the poor, poor fridge.

"What the..." I opened the freeze and a chicken flew out and smacked me in the face. Falling back onto my bum I watched it squawked and ran out of the room... I don't remember paying for a petting zoo.

Standing up while wiping my slimey hands on my shirt and walked out to the backyard and stared at everything in horror, "Guys, seriously?!" I screamed, Liam and Niall jerking up right - only for Niall to squirm and try to get out of the bush that was trying to devour him.

Liam spat confetti out of his mouth and looked at me, "What's wrong Anna?"

"THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" I screamed, storming over to Niall, grabbed a hold of the front of his belt and yanked him out of the bush, "Why are you blue?" I stared at him in confusion, "Liam, why is his skin blue - and why the fuck are you wearing one of my dresses?" I put my hands on my hips and scowled at him.

"Anna, kinda have a boner here."

I ripped my hands away from Niall and looked down - "Why are you wearing my shorts?!" I yelled at him, ignoring the fact he was aroused by - the same chicken past me at that moment - by a chicken.

"We played truth or dare."

"Where's Louis and Zayn?"

"They dead." I stiffed as Liam stumbled over to me, the chicken squawking while running into the forest and probably disappearing for the rest of our lives.

"Whoa, wait, what do you mean, dead?"

"I mean we haven't seen them in-"

Liam's slurs were cut off by a girlie scream and I turned and watched in shock as Zayn rolled off of the roof before he fell off of it, "ZAYN!" I screamed while I watched in horror as he hit a jumping castle, "Thank fuck for that." I mumble and hurried towards him to see if he was alive or breathing.

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