Chapter Sixteen: Dyed Red Hair

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A/N: Sorry for the late upload, I couldn't think of what to write until just now . . . eheheheheh.

Anywho,                ~ Enjoy

                                                 Caitlin xox

Word count: 3737

Anna's POV

"I can't believe you got us kicked out of Yoga class," I laugh at Harry's expression as he rubbed his lightly bruised cheek, that now had a red mark from face planting on the floor.

 He rolls his eyes at me as he continue to feel his cheek and jaw. "I didn't think she'd get angry at me for breathing that loudly - I was just trying to make you laugh."

"Well, you succeeded on that part," amusement was laced heavily in my tone as I walked besides him, feeling somewhat bubbly when he had thrown his jacket around my shoulders when he got our butt's kicked out of the Yoga session I had signed up for. "You didn't need to go, you know? You were the one that decided you wanted to tag along and 'try new things', and you just didn't breathe loudly the entire time. You would try to talk to people and kept poking me when I was trying to balance - you're lucky that when I lost my balance that I didn't injure the girl I dragged down with me."

"Sorry about that," Harry drags a hand through his hair as I rolled my eyes and looped my arm with his.

"It's alright, plus that bitch slapped you with her yoga mat so we're even. How's ya bum by the way?"

"I think you need to kiss the Boo-Boo Anna, it really hurts." Harry pouts at me as I gave him another eye roll, but I couldn't stop from smiling at the tone he used.

"Aw Harold, I can't kiss it but I can make the pain go away," I offer.

"Okay - NO!" Harry says as I went to jab him in the ribs, since I apparently had the amazing ability to take someone down in pain for poking them. "I'm good, thank you for the offer though." We reached my car and I pulled the car keys out of his jacket pocket before I pushed the sleeves up and unlocked the car before I drove the both of us home.

Walking through the door I instantly got shouted at, straightening my back in surprise I looked into the lounge room to see Niall and the other boys shouting at one another, okay, so it's not me they're shouting at.

Standing in the arch way with Harry watching in amusement at my side I strained myself while I tried to listen to what they were shouting about. I couldn't catch anything beside testosterone and anger. "HELLO FAMILY, I HAVE ARRIVED HOME," I shout, trying to gain their attention.

They all stopped instantly and turned to stare at me. "Alright, why are you lot fighting?" I questioned, a scowl on my face as I eyed each male with a look only a mother who's pissed could have - wait, does that mean Harry's the father?

"He cheated in Mario Kart." Louis points at Liam who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we were playing Mario Kart," he mutters while glaring at the floor.

"Liam, what's up?"

"Oh nothing, I just thought that I should be the good guy and tell someone about something that is hurting my friend." Liam looks at Louis, who clenches his jaw. Looking over to Zayn and Niall I see the two quietly standing next to one another, Niall looking at the floor and Zayn looking at the two.

"And I was saying that we should wait until the one hurting our friend has the balls to tell the other person what's happening." Louis says, looking over at Harry and I while he does so.

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