Chapter Five: Revanche

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• Re-vanche 

1. The act of retaliating; revenge.

* * A n n a ' s  P O V * *

Dear UNWANTED guests,

I'm going to away for a couple days, in that time I expect that all you will be gone and I get to have my holiday in peace as you all get to do the same - somewhere else.

- Anna

I put the sticky note on the fridge door before I picked my duffel bag up and headed outside to the garage where I threw my bag to the passenger seat and started up my car and the GPS, feeling extremely giddy that I'd be seeing my All Time Low friend's.

* * M Y S T E R I O U S   L O V E R ' S   P O V * * 

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?!" I screamed into my phone.

"It was none of your business." Alex Gaskarth answered me.

"None of my business? None of my - I fucking told you to tell me if anything happen's to her! I told you to take care of her - AND YOU FUCKING DIDN'T!" I roared, punching the closet thing to me - which just happened to be some kind of statue... well, not anymore.

"First off, it wasn't my place to tell you. Second of all, maybe if you guys weren't such an ass to her none of this wouldn't have happened." Alex growled back at me through the phone.


"Anyway, I don't understand why you care - you haven't even noticed that she's gone."


"Yeah, she just texted me that she's half way to our tour bus-"


"I just did, listen mate, she's her own person and you got a lot of sucking up to do because this time she's set on hating you, and it look's like you need to kiss butt while crawling on your hands and knee's or you won't get her back, as a friend or otherwise."

"And how would I do that exactly? She won't even look at me!" 

"Since I like you, I'll work on something while she's here, just don't fuck it up or the next time you're disappearing down a mine shaft."

"I swear to you I won't-"

"I gotta go, bye Boy Band." the line went dead, and then it hit me... the last time Alex and Anna got together - they went drinking and Anna - she fucking went nuts basically...

He better not try to get her drunk again - or he'll be the one disappearing down a mine shaft.

Someone knock's on my bedroom door, "Hey, Anna's gone-"

"I know." I groaned, rubbing my face.

"... Want to come watch a movie with us as we figure something out? We're watching Toy Story - it's apparently going to help us think of a plan. So, are you in?"

"Yes, I'm in." I tiredly got off of my bed and sat on the couch with the other boys... this... this is going to be hard...

How can I get Anna to forgive me - us? Maybe... just maybe... I could-

* * A N N A ' S  P O V * *

My hand comes in contact with the tour bus door as I waited awkwardly in the empty car parking lot, the only thing helping me see was a blinking street light... either Dumbledore is near or some horror movie immortal killer shit is about to go down.

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