Chapter Thirteen: Truth or Dare?

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Anna's POV

My feet pounded against the wooden path while my heart thundered against my rib cage. As soon as my feet left the wood and slammed against the earth while I quickly ripped off my shirt and jumped, flying forwards I grabbed onto the rope and swung forth.

Flying forwards while I laughed the rope escapes my hands and I hit the water. Slowly I floated to the surface and stared up at the huffing boy who had been chasing me, the water just tickled the bottom of my nose as he huffed again and stared at me.

"How can you run so fast - DON'T say anything," He glowered at me as I smirked underneath the water. Harry looks at the rope that was swinging back and forth before he grabbed onto it and swung also, quickly I kicked backwards and he landed exactly where I had been moments before.

He comes up, his hair straight and cover his face. "Oh my god. I need a camera," I laughed, trying to swim away from him as he grabs onto my leg and pulls me back so he could shake his hair at me. "DUDE," I yelled, trying to push him under the water so I could get away. "DROWN FLUFFY HAIR. DROWN," I yelled while he grabs onto me and pushes me away.

Shaking my hair out of my face I looked around to try to see Harry, ah, he's under the water. Grinning I count to five before I looked under the water and saw Harry reaching for my foot. Quickly I pulled my leg from him and grabbed onto the back of his swimming trunks.

He flailed around before he tried to grab onto his swimming trunks while I let go and grabbed onto his foot. Holding my breath was starting to get hard while I dragged him through the water. Soon I let go and swam to the top, Harry meeting me soon after.

"Why are you trying to kill me?!"

"Why were you trying to kill me?" I questioned, splashing him when he rolled his eyes at my question.

"I was just going to scare you a little before I actually do kill you," I floated there for a moment before I splashed his face again and swam back to the shore in a frantic manner, grabbing onto my t-shirt I started to run back to the house while I tried to pull the t-shirt over my head without running into a tree or face planting.

"HELP STYLES IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" I yelled, running into the house - only to slip and crash into Liam.

"Whoa, what the-"

"HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I yelled in his face before I ran to the cupboards above the fridge, grabbed the only thing in their and filled it up with cold water. Grinning evilly I pumped the water gun and waited next to the door while I heard Liam ask someone what was going on. Smugly I continued to pump the water gun with an evil smirk on my lips while I waited for my prey, "This is so going to teach him to try to assassinate me before I become immortal at twenty three."

"She's ran into the kitchen, Harry why-"

Soon Harry ran through the door and I smirked, "Hey, Fluffy." He turns and I sprayed him in the face with cold water.

Harry makes an non-human-like screech before I ran for Adelaide, "THIS IS WAR." He shouts after me.

"I BAGS LIAM AND LOUIS," I yelled, grabbing onto Liam and Louis' shirts, since there were conveniently standing in the kitchen arch way watching us in confusion, and dragged them to the up stairs closet that had the bed spreads and towels, and my stash of water pistols.

"I thought you were trying to become serious?" Louis laughs, helping himself to the gold mine of water weaponry.

"There was a sale," I say shrugging, handing the Liam his water pistols. "Fill 'em up with cold water," I commanded and they scampered away from me and into a bathroom. Grinning I followed them and filled up the plastic weapons while we whispered our plans to one another.

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