Chapter Eighteen: How to be a Bad Person, by Annabelle Davis

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Chapter Eighteen: How to be a Bad Person, by Annabelle Davis


My teeth chewed my bottom lip as I stood in my room, my finger nails nervously digging into my hands while I paced back and forth - my nerves were all over the place. In fact - I'm pretty sure I'm going to throw up soon.

I hear a knock on my door and I quickly opened it. "Hi," I breathe out, staring at my father through my glasses.

"Are you ready? It's not every day my little girl turns twenty-two."

"I'm ready, but I'm not use if I can go out there."

"Why not?" Dad asks me in confusion.

"Well, it's just. . .we had another fight." I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I gave Dad a look. "Any advice?"

"What'd you fight about this time?"

"Same old thing," I state glumly.

"Hmm. . ." Dad trails off while I turned and walked over to my bedside table and opened the draw. "I think you two are the only ones that can do anything about your predicament is you and him." I nod before I pulled out something priceless from my bedside table.

Before he could see what it was I pulled it over my head and let it drop under the fabric of my black dress. "Let's go and par-tay." I say, trying to get sound happy and excited. I walk out of my bedroom, switching the light off and closing my bedroom door before I follow my father out to the party. My birthday party. My god I'm old.


"Niall?" I blink in confusion, only to watch Niall walk over to me, cup my face in his hands and press his lips to mine. My fingers weaved themselves into his soft hair as I kissed back, just as passionately as he was kissing me.

He pulls back after a few moments and leans his forehead against mine as I stared up at him, breathless. "Anna, I lo-"

I jerk awake, sitting up in my bed while my fingers quickly touching my lips. Silently I sat in my bed, fingers pressed against my lips that still had some remains of tingles - err, I mean...they were numb?

"What the hell am I dreaming of?" I scolded myself, pulling my duvet before I hurried to my bathroom and stared into the mirror, poking my lips. "Well, they're not swollen - so it's not an allergic reaction..."

Shaking my head I dragged a hand through my hair before I turned, pulling off the green dress I had put there last night from the towel rack and I tugged it over my head before I brushed my hair and walked out of my room.

Bending down I went grab my boots, only to pause at the realization of what I had been dreaming of. So, I dreamt of kissing Niall again...I don't think this is a good thing.

Shaking my head I pulled my boots on before I walked out of my bedroom. "Hi babe." I tensed while Harry presses his lips to my cheek. "How was your sleep?"

"Alright, how about you?" I questioned as we walk down the stairs together.

"I was up all night because I couldn't get you off my mind," he threw me a lop sided grin before he hurried ahead to the kitchen.

"How cheesy of you, Styles," I laughed and walked into the kitchen, only for my smile to drop off of my face as I stared at the girl who seemed to become a house guest of mine without my invitation.

"Morning Harry, I made you some breakfast." Why was a woman in nothing but her underwear in the middle of my kitchen, handing Harry a plate of pancakes?

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