Chapter Four: No Regrets

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  • Dedicated to Little Noah

A/N: First off - wow. 5603 words o-o Second off - holy crap I'm a year old than I was last year D: Peter Pan's an ass because he didn't come and take me to Never Land and now I am old enough to get my L's in Australia. That's right folks - I'm 16. The HORROR. I was going to try do 16,000 words - but that's a lot, I'm lazy, things happened and I apparently sleep to much when I actually do work 16 hour's a day for the chow .-.

This chapter is dedicated to my cousin's bub, Noah, who passed away earlier this month, I miss you little guy, especially you're cheeky smile and that evil laugh you did that use to just kill me from adorableness. 

And now let's start with the chapter, yes? 

~ Caitlin, who's painfully another year older. ;)

Anna's Point Of View

* * * D R E A M / M E M O R Y * * *

 I found myself standing in front of a door, holding onto a black, tightly wrapped present. Before I could figure out what to do next, Ed opened the door, "Anna! I'm so glad you could make it!" he pulled me into a hug and I quickly hugged him back before I gave him his birthday present.

"Here Ed, happy birthday!" I smiled at him, feeling extremely awkward as he smiled at me.

"Come in, come in!" he drags me inside, shutting the door before I found myself standing in Ed's lounge room, staring at everyone as I became an awkward turtle and started to back into a corner.

"Hi, Anna is it?"

Turning I see a pretty white haired girl and smiled, "Yep, Nina, right?"

"Correct-e-mundo!" she giggles and soon I felt myself ease into the 'party life' - that was until someone bumped into me, almost causing me to fly into the food table if Nina didn't grab onto me.

"Sorry." I turned and came face to face with Liam Payne...

"It's fine." he walked away and Nina scrunched her nose up in confusion.

"I thought you guys were friends?" I thought so too.

"Mmm, he's just a little annoyed at the fact I stole his breakfast this morning." I lied, smiling at her as she nods.

"Want to meet some other people?"


Everything blurred quickly before it stopped to where I was walking around a corner, and someone bumped into me, spilling cola all over my dress, "Sorry." I looked up to see Zayn staring at me blankly, hardly meaning 'sorry' at all.

"It's fine." I mumble before I walked around him and towards the bathroom, walking past the rest of One Direction. Suddenly someone stuck their foot out and I let a squeak of surprise leave my lips as I tripped over onto my hands and knee's.

"Clutz." I hear them chuckle as I quickly pulled myself together and went to go to the bathroom to clean myself up. Staring into the mirror I saw how panicky my expression was, so I calmed myself down, trying not to leg it for China.

"Calm Anna, calm, it's almost over, we just need to cut the cake and you can go back home." I squeezed my eyes shut as I breathed through my nose before I walked out of the bathroom, calm, collected and a tinsy bit confident.

The next thing I realized was Ed was blowing out his candles and cutting the cake, Louis walked past me, bumping my shoulder, and because I wasn't paying that much attention to him I stumbled backwards, stepping on someone's forgotten party pie and slipped backwards. Gasping in shock my head hit the side of the food table, my arm goes to stop myself from falling and hits the table, but instead tips it over... on top of me.

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