Chapter Seventeen: Willful Ignorance

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TRIGGER WARNING for those who is vulnerable to knife/cutting. I'll put a { at the beginning and a } at the end. It wasn't something that happened on purpose, it happened on accident but I just wanted to make sure you know and just in case you did have an issue with it I wanted to warn you before hand. If you wanna chat about anything at all, message me when you have the time. ~ C

Anna's POV

I stood facing the door that lead out to my balcony, not moving a muscle as I stared straight into the eyes of the white barn owl, who stared right back at me, not moving or blinking as we had our little staring match.

A goofy smile was pulling on my lips as I stared at him, thoughts of my favorite childhood movie flowing through my mind. "Goblin King, Goblin King, through dangers untold and hardships outnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin city to take back the child you have stolen . . ." I trailed off, unlocking and opening the glass door slowly as I made sure to not scare the little guy.

"My will is as strong as yours," I quote, moving outside before I stood still, staring at the slowly blinking owl. "And my kingdom as great . . ." Slowly I walked forwards, excitement filling my every pore as I slowly moved my hand towards the owl, seeing if I could touch the soft looking predator of the night. "You have no-"

I was cut off as a rush of feathers alerted me enough to throw my hands in front of my face before I peek through the gap to find the ledge of my balcony was vacant. "No power over me," I finished, a sad smile passing over my lips as I leaned against the cold metal and looked at the forest that surrounds my home.

But as I keep ignoring it, the longer and deeper the chewing it does. My brain is quickly becoming mush as I tried my best not to think about it. I'm not a fool, I know I'm not. A fool wouldn't have been able to see what I can see.

I just don't know what to do about what I see, should I confront it? Forget about the image of him being my friend - or boyfriend, whatever one likes to call it.

Though I don't really want to confront it because if I do I could rip what I cherish away from me. Shaking my head I turned and walked back inside and down the stairs to my dark kitchen. Turning on the light I wandered over and got myself some ice cream and sat on the bench while I ate my problems away.

"What are you doing up?"

Glancing over to my left I see Niall staring at me tiredly with confusion written on his face. "I could ask the same to you."

"I couldn't sleep," he says while shrugging - making me aware that someone wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Same," I murmured, staring at my ice cream awkwardly.

"You okay?" Snapping out of my staring match with melting ice cream I looked up to see Niall reaching up for the cereal in the cupboard above the microwave.


"You don't seem to believe your own words, now, tell me what's up." Leaning against the bench next to me I turned my full attention to him.

"Do you think Harry's and I's . . . thing is legit?"

"Why do you ask?" He stared at me blankly.

"Because I'm having doubts and I would like to know your opinion. Now, do you think Harry and I are right for one another or am I just wasting his time?"

"I don't think your wasting his time. I think he's wasting yours." His words surprised me and I couldn't help but look at him in both confusion and surprise at his chosen words. "I mean - he obviously isn't interested in having a 'real' relationship. Since he was kissing that girl at the bar yesterday - you didn't know."

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