Chapter Twenty / Part One

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Chapter Twenty / Part One


My right leg was crossed over my left one as my lips continued to press against the rim of the glass, my eyes on my legs as I blinked down at them. Whoa, the result of shaving my legs is the best thing ever. My lips tugged upwards as I shook myself slightly and looked around at the party that was flickering with life. Thing's were dying down, people have come and gone, I've lost my heels just so I could have a dance battle with Miss Swift, and I have eaten one to many caramel slices.

"Anna, Bloomer's is sitting in the fountain outside, do you want me to call him a cab after I get him out of there?" I glanced up at Taylor and gave her a smile.

"Nah, I'll fish him out, you just enjoy the party."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course," I sent Taylor a warm smile before I got up, placed my glass on the table and made my way outside to make sure Orlando doesn't drown himself in the water fountain. Stepping out into the chilly night air made my way down the middle of the pale white path, lit by the lights that was evenly spaced on both sides of the path, in between the plants that were blooming with life. "Orlando?" I called out as I found myself in the centre of the spiraled path, standing in front of the fountain as I tried to see if I should be calling an ambulance or not. "Orlando? Are you out here?" I called out.

Faint wind tugged at me as I stood in silence, waiting for Orlando's reply.

"Happy birthday, Miss Davis."

I froze in shock before I turned my head and saw my fiancé standing at the path that disappeared around the corner. "I thought you weren't able to make it?" I questioned quietly, turning my whole body around so I could face him front on.

"Our last concert was canceled," was his simple reply. We then stood in silence, staring at the other for the first time in months. "I've missed you," he says, not wanting to approach me as we stared at one another, trying to figure out what the other is thinking.

"I've missed you too."

We didn't run into one another's arms, like normal couples would do. We didn't tear up. We didn't lock our lips. There was no slow motion run up either. We just didn't know what to do.

We are in love, nothing could ever change that, but it's gotten hard to love someone who is never there to touch. To hug. To tangle yourself with at night. To feel their warmth on a freezing winter day. To hear their voice right next to you, not just through electronics.

We had gotten so busy, him with his concerts, recording's, traveling, and interviews. Me with my constant filming of the upcoming movies, auditioning for hopeful positions in different movies, traveling, and my own interviews. It had gotten hard to continually communicate with one another.

We've been wrapped up in our own lives, not able to weave our individual lives with the other. Don't get me wrong, I've missed him, oh god how I have missed him. He was always on my mind, annoyingly, I always had that voice whispering about what would he say right now or I wonder what he's doing at this very moment. I'd get distracted quite often, just lost in my own mind as I picture myself just laying with him, our legs laced with one another as we would simply lay on the bed, fingers laced with the other while our other hands would just wrap around the others waist limply. Or how we'd lay on the couch, his arm's around me while we watch the television and my fingers would absent mindedly go over his pale skin as we both laughed at the jokes that were said on screen.

I never voiced my day dreams to anyone, it'll make me sound like an obsessed creep.

But enough though it has been hard, we've both knew the other would never hurt us. We trusted one another around the attractive people that crossed our path's. We trusted, even though we didn't talk as often as we would have liked. My heart seemed to hit my rib cage as I stood, the chilly air wrapping around me as I stared at him, consumed by my thoughts of want and need to touch him, hold him in my arms and bury my head in his chest while I voiced out my fear of him leaving for such a long time again. But I didn't want to seem desperate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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